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UfM Working Group Meeting - Environment and Climate Change

The 3rd meeting of the UfM Working Group on Environment and Climate Change took place (online) on the 14th and 15th March. This was the first meeting of this Working Group since the Ministerial conference of October 2021.

date:  24/03/2022

See alsoUfM

Contact:  Cristina Casella, Frederic Fourtune

The countries presented their national policies and programs supporting the objectives of the Declaration, and the event allowed for the presentation of projects supporting the UfM’s Greener Med initiative and Climate Change action plan. These presentations included EU-funded programs as well as others.

The key objectives of these plans are to address pollution of the Mediterranean Sea, protect biodiversity and promote climate action, including through the support for NDCs, climate financing and scientific research. Several policy papers were presented by the UfM on various topics including wetlands as nature-based solutions, plastic pollution, fisheries and sustainable finance. EIB and EBRD presented their plans in support of the green transition in the region through the setting-up of a dedicated Blue Economy investment fund.

2022 is a pivotal year for climate and environmental action, with the CBD COP due to take place in China and the UNFCCC COP 27 in Egypt, where the cooperation of all Mediterranean partners is desirable. The working group discussed how members and stakeholders could join forces with the UfM Secretariat to ensure a strong and meaningful presence at the COP 27.