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CyberSouth: National workshop on the preparation of criminal justice statistics on cybercrime and e-evidence in Morocco

The final meeting of the series of national workshops on the preparation of criminal justice statistics on cybercrime and e-evidence was held on the 23rd of February 2022 for the Moroccan authorities, within the framework of CyberSouth project.

date:  24/02/2022

See alsoCyberSouth Project

ContactMorgane Buttiens

As in previous events of the series, the discussions covered different topics related to the relevance of statistics on cybercrime and e-evidence and the best practices on collecting and processing them. Representatives of judicial and law enforcement authorities presented their mechanism for collecting statistical data, followed by recommendations by the expert.

This workshop was a continuation of the support for the development of a strategic approach on cybercrime already provided to Morocco within the CyberSouth project. More activities will be organised for all priority countries to follow-up on this process, in line with the immediate outcome on “Strategic priorities on cybercrime and electronic evidence identified and assessed” of the project.