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  19 January 2024  

Mobility and transport


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Moving forward together: what's next for EU mobility & transport?

Join us on 21 February in Brussels or online for an all-day academic conference on the state of play on EU transport policy and the challenges and priorities for the future of EU transport and mobility. Organised in cooperation with the Florence School of Regulation, this conference will provide input to the next Commission’s priorities in the transport and mobility field. Register now!


A more sustainable and resilient trans-European transport network

An agreement has been reached to significantly step up efforts to build a sustainable and resilient trans-European transport network (TEN-T). This includes strong incentives to increase the use of more sustainable forms of transport, and to improve multimodality within the European transport system. In addition, transport links with neighbouring third countries will be improved by integrating Ukraine, Moldova as well as the six Western Balkan partners into the newly established European Transport Corridors.


Joint Statement on Higher Airspace Operations (HAO)

The European Union and its Member States and the Governments of the United States of America, Canada, Japan, and the United Kingdom made a joint statement expressing support for the ICAO’s efforts to address the challenges and opportunities associated with higher airspace operations. They have called for a holistic vision of higher airspace operations to ensure that aircraft operating in higher airspace do not undermine the safety, security, and sustainability of the existing aviation system.


Commission, Ukraine and Moldova sign High-Level Understandings to improve transport connectivity

The Commission signed High-Level Understandings with Ukraine and Moldova to revise the trans-European transport (TEN-T) network in their territories and improve connections with the EU. The changes will be reflected in the new TEN-T Regulation when it enters into force in early 2024 and further extends four European Transport Corridors into Ukraine and Moldova.


Moldova receives additional funding to improve rail infrastructure and advance Solidarity Lanes

The European Investment Bank has signed a €41.2 million loan with Moldova, destined to improve internal transport connections as well as to provide long-term economic benefits to the wider region. This loan will be complemented by an EU grant of €12 million. The project will strengthen the Solidarity Lanes, the alternative transport routes for Ukraine that have become a lifeline for Ukraine's economy.


Launch of the new EU Urban Mobility Observatory website

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new streamlined EU Urban Mobility Observatory website for experts working in sustainable urban mobility, which is now available for you to explore. Make sure to visit the website to find the latest urban mobility news and events, explore case studies of sustainable urban mobility initiatives and to find more information about Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPS).


Figure of the Month

Nearly 1 in 3 European drivers admit to having used a hand-held phone for calls while driving. Holding and using your phone while driving makes you about 2.5 more likely to crash. Furthermore, young drivers are more likely than older drivers to use a mobile phone while driving. These are among the findings of the European Road Safety Observatory’s new thematic report on driver distraction.



Europe’s Rail Info Day

Europe's Rail Info Day 2024 will give you an overview of the aims of Europe's Rail Research and Innovation Programme and introduce you to the possibilities to get involved in making rail a more attractive transport mode for both people and businesses in Europe. During the day, you will be able to find out about Europe's Rail funding opportunity ‘Europe's Rail Call for Proposals 2024’, worth €21.7 million. Register now!

date 09/02/2024
venue Online
See also Event page

“Europe for Aviation” teams up for Airspace World 2024

The “Europe for Aviation” partners will come together at Airspace World to showcase how we are tackling the most pressing challenges facing the European aviation industry. Make sure to visit the “Europe for Aviation” stand (#H22) which will host a range of briefings, exhibits and demos illustrating collaboration in action between the European aviation organisations working to implement the Single European Sky.

date 19/03/2024 - 21/03/2024
venue Geneva, Switzerland
See also Event page

Connecting Europe Days

Join us for Connecting Europe Days 2024, Europe’s mobility flagship event in Brussels, Belgium. The event will bring together key transport stakeholders to discuss concrete measures and exchange good practices on creating a fully decarbonised, resilient, and digital transport network in Europe. Register now!

date 02/04/2024 - 05/04/2024
venue Brussels, Belgium & online
See also Connecting Europe Days

EU Road Safety Conference 2024

The EU and its Member States committed to halving road deaths and serious injuries by 2030. Are we on track to reach that goal? The 2024 EU Road Safety Conference will offer a forum for analysis and exchange between senior EU politicians, policy makers and the wider European road safety community. We look forward to seeing you in Dublin!

date 16/04/2024
venue Dublin, Ireland & online
See also EU Road Safety Conference 2024

Transport and You

Call for applications: Selection of members of the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF)

The Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF) is an expert group promoting the digital transformation of the transport and logistics sector. Due to the expiry of the term of office of the current members of the DTLF and evolving challenges related to the digital transformation of the transport and logistics sector, the Commission has launched a call for applications for new DTLF members.

Deadline 25/01/2024
See also Call for applications

Sustainable transport: €7 billion available for key infrastructure projects under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

The 2023 CEF Transport call for proposals makes over €7 billion available for projects targeting new, upgraded and improved European transport infrastructure on the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). Projects funded under these calls will involve rail, inland waterways, maritime or inland ports, and roads.

Deadline 30/01/2024
See also €7 billion available for key infrastru...

Europe’s Rail: Call for Proposals 2023

Projects worth €21,2 million are expected to be funded under the Europe’s Rail 2023 Call for Proposals. Topics include network management planning and control, mobility management in a multimodal environment, and digital enablers, as well as Destination 8 (exploratory research and other activities). Apply now!

Deadline 07/02/2024
See also Europe’s Rail: Call for Proposals 2023

Horizon Europe: Over €310 million available to fund new energy and mobility research projects

The European Commission has launched new calls for projects under Horizon Europe's Work Programme for 2023-2024 Cluster 5 – which groups together topics on Climate Action, Energy and Mobility. A total of €310.05 million in EU funding is available. The overarching driver for this cluster is to accelerate the twin green and digital transitions and associated transformation of our economy, industry and society.

Deadline 18/04/2024
See also Horizon Europe: Over €310 million avai...

More on Transport

Transport R&I Monitoring and Information System

Here you can find open-access information on transport research and innovation.


Your Europe: Driving Abroad

Will you soon be driving abroad? Find info here about traffic rules that apply in your home country and any other EU country you intend to visit.


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