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  4 December 2023  

Mobility and transport


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Improved rights and better information for travellers

The Commission has adopted proposals to improve the passenger experience by strengthening their rights. Reimbursement rules for when flights or multimodal journeys are booked via an intermediary will be clarified, so that passengers are better protected against cancellations. Furthermore, journeys involving different travel modes should become smoother, by ensuring that passengers have access to direct support and enhanced real-time information, for example on delays and cancellations.


EU Air Safety List updated

The EU Air Safety List, which identifies airlines that are subject to an operating ban or operational restrictions within the EU due to not meeting international safety standards, has been updated. Fly Baghdad has now been included on the List due to safety concerns identified by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).


New proposal on combining transport modes for more sustainable freight

Our recent proposal on combined transport aims to make freight transport more sustainable by improving the competitiveness of intermodal freight compared to road-only transport. The proposal updates the current Combined Transport Directive and completes the Greening Freight Package, which will help the freight sector do its part for the EU to achieve its Green Deal goals.


New UN Aviation Agency global target for sustainable aviation fuels

The Commission welcomes the agreement reached at the third International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Conference on Aviation and Alternative Fuels (CAAF/3) on a global framework for sustainable aviation fuels and other cleaner aviation energy. This includes the goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 5% by 2030 through increased use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) worldwide.


First authorisation for new generation sleeper trains: a substantial step for reviving night trains in Europe

In November the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) marked a significant milestone by authorising the first batch of new generation sleeper trains, which are being built by Siemens Mobility for ÖBB's Nightjet sleeper service. These trains represent the first new design of sleeper trains in Europe, signalling a long-awaited departure from decades of stagnation in sleeper train development.


EASA hosts inaugural meeting of Member State Network on aviation decarbonisation

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) hosted the inaugural meeting of the ReFuelEU Aviation Member States Network. The Network will serve as a forum for exchange on how to make aviation more environmentally friendly and will focus on the technical implementation of ReFuelEU Aviation.


Figure of the Month

In 2023, European Mobility Week broke its record for participation, with 3,351 towns and cities from 45 countries in Europe, and beyond, taking part. The campaign raises awareness about sustainable and active mobility and is an opportunity for local authorities to test innovative planning measures and promote new infrastructure and technology.



EU Transport Day at COP28: register now & check out the agenda!

EU Transport Day at COP28 will be taking place on Wednesday 6 December in the EU Pavilion at COP28, with panels discussing the role of transport in fighting climate change at a global level. Topics will range from the climate change resilience of transport infrastructure to the role of alternative fuels in bringing down transport emissions. Make sure to register to join via livestream!

date 06/12/2023
See also EU Transport Day at COP28

Workshop for the seafaring profession

DG MOVE is pleased to invite you to our upcoming workshop for the seafaring profession: “The impact on maritime safety of seafarers’ living and working conditions, education and training.” The event will take place in Brussels.

date 17/01/2024
Registration Workshop for the seafaring profession

Connecting Europe Days: registration now open!

Join us for Connecting Europe Days 2024, Europe’s mobility flagship event in Brussels, Belgium. The event will bring together key transport stakeholders to discuss concrete measures and exchange good practices on creating a fully decarbonised, resilient, and digital transport network in Europe. Register now!

date 02/04/2024 - 05/04/2024
See also Connecting Europe Days

EU Road Safety Conference 2024 – Register your interest now!

The EU and its Member States committed to halving road deaths and serious injuries by 2030. Are we on track to reach that goal? The 2024 EU Road Safety Conference will offer a forum for analysis and exchange between senior EU politicians, policy makers and the wider European road safety community. We look forward to seeing you in Dublin!

date 16/04/2024
See also EU Road Safety Conference 2024

Transport and You

Sustainable transport: €7 billion available for key infrastructure projects under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

The 2023 CEF Transport call for proposals makes over €7 billion available for projects targeting new, upgraded and improved European transport infrastructure on the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). Projects funded under these calls will involve rail, inland waterways, maritime or inland ports, and roads.

Deadline 30/01/2024
See also €7 billion available for key infrastru...

More on Transport

Passenger rights App

Download the "Your Passenger Rights" app to your smartphone to access information about your rights when travelling in the EU.


Atlas of the Sky

The Atlas of the Sky provides fast direct access to data related to aviation.


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