Read the online version | 2315-084X
  03 July 2024  

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries


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In this issue


Dear readers,

Exciting times for the ocean world: this month we unveiled a prototype of the European Digital Twin Ocean! This digital ocean replica will make ocean knowledge available to all, empowering scientists and policymakers to make informed decisions backed by science to protect our ocean.  

In other news, the Nature Restoration Law has been adopted by the Council, setting binding targets to restore ecosystems, habitats and species.  

On the fisheries front, we launched a consultation to assess the effectiveness of the common fisheries policy (CFP). This consultation is the first part of a thorough evaluation that will look at how the CFP has achieved its objectives since 2013, its economic implications, and its relevance in the context of emerging needs.  

This week, we are also organising - in and with the Republic of Kenya - BlueInvest Africa 2024! It brings together African entrepreneurs seeking financing and international investors scouting for opportunities, to propel Africa's blue economy forward. 

Finally, I wish you all a very happy summer - and don’t forget to participate in the #EUBeachCleanup campaign, to help us raise awareness of marine litter and clean our ocean! 

Warm regards, 


Charlina Vitcheva, Director-General 
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries


The EU is ready to ratify the High Seas Treaty

The Commission welcomes the adoption today by the Council of a decision to conclude the United Nations agreement on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ), also known as the ‘High Seas Treaty’.


European Commission unveils European Digital Twin of the Ocean prototype

The European Digital Twin of the Ocean (EU DTO), announced by President von der Leyen at the One Ocean Summit in Brest in February 2022, is a key deliverable of the EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters.


Commission launches consultation on the common fisheries policy

The European Commission has launched a consultation to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the common fisheries policy (CFP). This consultation constitutes the first part of a thorough evaluation that will look at how the CFP has achieved its objectives since 2013.


Commission launches consultations on fisheries and maritime activities funding programmes

The European Commission has launched two consultations to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of past and current funding programmes for fisheries and maritime activities.


New EIT Knowledge and Innovation Community will focus on water, marine, and maritime sectors and ecosystems

The Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) will be part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and will aim to tackle the key challenges in the water, marine and maritime fields.


Join us in the #EUBeachCleanup campaign 2024!

The #EUBeachCleanup Campaign 2024 is kicking off this week, right after World Oceans Day.


OCEAN by Euronews

Euronews OCEAN Season 6, Episode 6 – Scientific observers work with fishers shaping future of Malta's marine ecosystem

European seas rank among the most regulated in the world. These decisions on fish stocks, resource management and economic viability are grounded in scientific reports and accurate data.


Stories of the month

Turning the tide: How Sardinian fishers are cleaning up their seas

Bringing science and fisheries together to tackle a hidden menace: marine litter. Scientists from Cagliari University and Fisheries Local Action Groups and Sardinian fishers joined forces to remove over two tonnes of waste from Sardinian waters.


Aquapurna and BlueInvest: farming shrimp while protecting the planet

Aquapurna, a German company, is transforming shrimp farming with a sustainable, holistic, and technology-driven approach. Using its innovative Smart Reef System, which reproduces the natural shrimp habitat, the company produces high-quality, sustainable shrimp.


Maritime Spatial Planning – Joining forces in the North and Baltic Seas (eMSP NBSR)

Planning the use of maritime space is very complex, involving a high number of interrelated interests, also among different sectors. The eMSP NBSR (Emerging ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning topics in North and Baltic Seas Region) project brings together 15 neighbouring countries


Map of the month

Vessel density (fishing)

Explore the Map of the Month to learn about maritime traffic in the European seas for fishing ships in 2021. The map shows vessel density in each square kilometre, calculated from a dataset of Automatic Identification System (AIS) messages. Understanding vessel traffic is important for marine planning and assessing human impact on ecosystems. Use the Zoom tool (+ and – signs) to see details at different scales.


Podcast: Ocean Calls

Ocean Calls Podcast – Season 3 Ep. 7: Beat them or eat them: What should we do about invasive species in the ocean?

Should we beat them, or eat them? In this episode of Ocean Calls, we are embarking on a journey to unravel the mysteries of invasive species in EU waters. They unsettle the delicate balance of marine ecosystems, so what can we do about them?


Ocean Calls Podcast – Season 3 Ep. 6: What’s the secret recipe to restoring fish stocks?

Will there ever be more fish in the sea? Almost 90% of all marine fish stocks globally are now fully exploited or overfished, according to a study from the World Bank.



BlueInvest Africa 2024

date 03/07/2024 - 04/07/2024

SAVE THE DATE! 2024 Fisheries Science Seminar - Artificial Intelligence

date 25/09/2024


Call for evidence - Common fisheries policy – evaluation

Deadline 06/09/2024

Call for evidence - EU Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014-2020 – ex-post evaluation

Deadline 06/09/2024

Public consultation - EU Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) 2014-2020 – ex-post evaluation

Deadline 13/09/2024

Call for evidence - EU Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) 2021-2027 – midterm evaluation

Deadline 06/09/2024

Public consultation - EU Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) 2021-2027 – midterm evaluation

Deadline 13/09/2024

Funding opportunities

Ocean Observation Digital Platform

Deadline 03/09/2024

Call for proposals - Art and the digital: Unleashing creativity for European water management

Deadline 15/09/2024

Study on the seabed’s natural carbon sequestration capacity and related impacts from seabed-disturbing activities (Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-2025 – part 12 Missions and Cross-cutting Activities)

Deadline 29/08/2024

Publications and studies

Techno-economic analysis for the energy transition of the EU fisheries and aquaculture sector


This newsletter is published by the European Commission's Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

The European Commission is committed to personal data protection. Any personal data is processed in line with the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725. Please read the privacy statement.

ISSN: 2315-084X | Catalogue Number: KLAM24007ENQ