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GoodBrother International Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society

date:  28/06/2022 - 28/06/2022

venue:  Zagreb, Croatia




The conference on ‘Privacy-friendly and trustworthy technology for society’, aims to advance the knowledge on critical ethical concepts such as privacy, trust, and transparency of (AAL) technologies, contributing particularly by extending emerging concepts and themes such as privacy-by-design, overtrust, transparency-by-design, and personalized transparency. Moreover, it explores links, overlaps, and solutions between current proposed regulations such as the AI Act and other enforced regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation and the Medical Device Regulation. We invite interdisciplinary approaches spanning the social sciences, legal scholarship, ethics, and research in computing and engineering.

The conference will select extended abstracts to be presented in sessions organized by topics. We welcome and encourage interdisciplinary research and collaborations among researchers active in different working groups. The presentations will be short (10-15 min), followed by a brief Q&A. The focus will rest on the discussions among participants and establishing potential links among ongoing research activities within the COST Action and beyond. The conference will end with a workshop session where participants will be encouraged to draft research agendas for important topics that are currently not well explored. Please note that the conference will take place in a hybrid format, with participants and keynote speakers on-site and online – the organizers will ensure that remote participants will be able to ask questions and provide inputs during the workshop session.

This workshop is organised by the GoodBrother COST Action (CA19121) on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living.

The call for papers includes but not limited to the following areas of interest:

  • Research on system trust (i.e., trust between humans and automation) and link to privacy
  • Ethical, legal, and societal aspects of trustworthy and privacy-friendly automation
  • Empirical studies of privacy and trust of interactive systems
  • Design approaches to support system trust and trustworthy design
  • Personalization of privacy and transparency requirements and its impact on system trust
  • Design for privacy and transparency 
  • Usable privacy and security and their implications for systems trust
  • Overtrust in automation and its implications
  • Issues of unequal access to and benefits from privacy-friendly and trustworthy automation among different population group