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ROSIA PCP announces the Call For Tender

date:  31/03/2022 - 30/04/2022


Servicio Aragonés de la Salud announces launch of €3.9m call for tenders for European PCP project ROSIA.

  • The call for tenders will remain open from 31 March to 30 June.
  • The project aims to develop an innovation ecosystem that enables the integration of public health services with patient self-care tools, community services and innovative telerehabilitation products.
  • The €3.9M investment will be distributed along the three stages of the project: Design, Development and Pilot.

The R&D required by the members of ROSIA’s buyers group is for the development of an innovation ecosystem that can support innovative solutions towards implementing telerehabilitation services that integrate professionals, patients and devices.

The project is led by the Aragon Health Sciences Institute (IACS), who execute the joint procurement on behalf of the buyers group. Servicio Aragonés de Salud (Spain), National Rehabilitation Hospital (Ireland) and Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (Portugal)

Companies wishing to bid have until 30 June 2022 to submit their bids. Due to the broad scope of the call’s requirements, bidders will need to create consortia and bid jointly. There is a matchmaking tool available for this purpose on the project’s website. More information:

ROSIA is a project funded by the European research and development programme Horizon 2020 under the agreement GA 101017606.