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Newsletter on the rights of the child

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Newsletter 1/2024

Dear Readers, with the spring comes this rights of the child newsletter. The EU Children's Participation Platform has grown and has members in 24 EU Member States. The adoption of the Recommendation on integrated child protection systems – coming soon and it is still possible to send your application for funding under the Daphne call. Stay tuned and scroll down to see what has happened and what opportunities are still available.

European Commission - Activities

Survey for children on democracy - open until 30 April

The EU Children’s Participation Platform launched an its second online survey for children across Europe to hear what they think about different ways of participating in democracy, voting and where they get information from. The survey is available in all EU languages and open until 30 April.


Report on the Public Consultation on Integrated child Protection Systems

The report from the public consultation on Integrated Child Protection Systems is available online. This consultation was launched to gather views from a wide range of stakeholders and the public, to inform the preparation of the Commission Recommendation on Integrated Child Protection Systems. The Recommendation is scheduled for adoption before the end of April.

Report from the consultation with children on what they need to feel safe

The EU Children's Participation Platform asked children across Europe about what helps keep them safe. The ideas that children have shared helped the European Union draft the ‘Recommendation on integrated child protection systems’. Between May and October 2023, 1,095 children from 21 countries of the European Union took part in the consultations. 73% of children were aged between 14 and 17, 27% were between 7 and 13

document Consultation with children on ...  (1,017 KB)

Joint European Union and Council of Europe Child-friendly Justice Project

In January 2024, the European Union and the Council of Europe launched a joint project on child-friendly Justice. It will last until March 2026. It aims at improving the protection of children in contact with the law (as perpetrators, victims, witness or parties in non-judicial and judicial (civil and criminal) and administrative proceedings). Through three focus countries (Belgium, Poland and Slovenia), the objective is to test and finalise a child-friendly justice assessment tool which will help the Member States meet European standards in the matter of children’s rights before, during and after judicial proceedings.


2024 European elections and young people participation

The European Commission has published a leaflet to raise awareness among young people on the upcoming European elections. The flyer, in all 24 EU languages details who can vote and why voting in this particular election is important. It also contains information on the opportunities available to young people to boost their impact on the European Union

Policy and Practice Forum 2024 – Climate Resilience: Preparing for the Future

On 17 April afternoon, the Commission will host an online Forum entitled ‘Climate Resilience: Preparing for the Future’. Participants will engage in a direct dialogue with policymakers and practitioners in the field of climate resilience, in order to explore strategies to enhance resilience, adapt to changes and mitigate future risks. You can register online.


EducationForClimate: Youth Climate Lab on AI and climate change

Between February and October 2024, the Commission, through its Youth Climate Lab, proposes six online sessions on ‘How to approach AI and climate change in learning communities’. These peer-learning world café are opened to young people between 16 and 26 years old.

See also Education for climate

European Commission - Funding

Call for proposals to prevent violence against children – deadline extended

The EU is seeking innovative projects that address violence against children, including on improving functioning of integrated child protection systems. The deadline for submission of applications has been extended to 29 May 2024.

Deadline 29/05/2024
document call-fiche_cerv-2024-daphne_en  (610 KB)

Other EU institutions and agencies - Activities


On 21 March 2024, the European Parliament’s Intergroup on children’s rights hosted an event that launched the #Voteforchildren campaign. More than 9200 children aged between 10 to 18 replied to the online survey "Europe Kids Want" designed by children and ChildFund Alliance, Eurochild, Save the Children, SOS Children’s Villages, UNICEF and the Child and Youth Friendly Governance Project. Based on the results, the EU should prioritise efforts on education, mental health, combating bullying and violence against children, creating more jobs or study opportunities and addressing war and conflicts


EP – Debate – Building inclusive societies through education, the role of primary schools

On 17 April 2024 morning, the European Parliament’s Coordinator on children’s rights, Vice-President Ewa Kopacz, will host a high-level debate on the thematic of the role of primary schools in the building of inclusive societies. The agenda includes presentations from Learning for wellbeing foundation, Czepczyński Family Foundation, European Schools and Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture.

Political agreement on rules enforcing human rights and environmental sustainability in global supply chains

On 14 December 2023, the European Parliament and the Council reached the political agreement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. The proposal aims to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour throughout global value chains. Large companies will be required to identify and, where necessary, prevent, end or mitigate adverse impacts of their activities on human rights, such as child labour and exploitation of workers, and on the environment, for example pollution and biodiversity loss.

Political agreement on new rules to combat violence against women and domestic violence

On 6 February 2024, the European Parliament and the Council reached the political agreement on the on the Commission's proposal for a Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence from March 2022. The Directive is a milestone - the first comprehensive legal instrument at EU level to tackle violence against women, which is still too pervasive in the European Union.

FRA – Mapping Child Protection Systems in the EU (Update 2023)

In January 2024, the European Union Agency for fundamental rights published the update of their mapping on child protection systems in the EU. This document gives an overview of the state of child protection systems at national level and developments since the first publication in 2015 and promotes the improvement of integrated child protection systems.

document Doc – FRA – Mapping child ...  (2.37 MB)

FRA and CoE – Publication of a new guidance for border officials and other authorities

The Council of Europe and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights published a new guidance on human rights standards at Europe’s borders that apply to children. This note summarises the main safeguards of European law and completes the two previous publications in this matter.

document Doc - FRA-COE- Children in mig...  (847 KB)

EU co-funded projects

UNODC – Targeted by Terrorists: Child recruitment, exploitation and reintegration in Indonesia, Iraq and Nigeria

Through the project 'STRIVE Juvenile: Preventing and Responding to Violence against Children by Terrorist and Violent Extremist Groups' funded by the European Union, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the partner countries, Indonesia, Iraq and Nigeria, intend to develop and implement comprehensive national responses to prevent and counter terrorism and violent extremism affecting children. The research study of the project ‘Targeted by Terrorists: Child recruitment, exploitation and reintegration in Indonesia, Iraq and Nigeria’, published in February 2024, has been carried out in these 3 countries to increase knowledge regarding children associated with groups designated as terrorist.

document Doc - UNOC - Terrorism  (4.76 MB)

CFJ-EN – First Caravan meeting

On 4 December 2023, the Child-Friendly Justice European Network (CFJ-EN) Caravan made a stop at the European Commission before visiting the EU Parliament and meeting with UNICEF and the Ombudsperson for children of the Francophone Belgian Community. This Child Justice Caravan is an initiative proposed by the CFJ-EN to children and young people to visit European institutions, meet with key representatives, become advocates for change in European justice systems and have their rights and needs more respected.


Report: Building Children's Futures

The ‘Building Children’s Futures: Using Children’s Rights to Recover from the Global Pandemic’ project is funded by the EU Commission and is being led by the Children’s Rights Alliance in partnership with the Department of Children Equality Disability Integration and Youth, Tusla, Ireland’s Child and Family Agency and Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC), Eurochild, UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre University of Galway, and Foróige. Using Ireland as a case study, the project aims to document how child participation structures worked during the Covid-19 pandemic and identify best practices in Covid-19 responses in Europe. The project will explore how a child rights-based approach, utilising Child Rights Impact Assessments (CRIAs), can be embedded in decision-making in times of emergency.

Case law

Court of Justice of the European Union

ECJ – European arrest warrant

The surrender of a requested person cannot be refused on the sole ground that she is the mother of young children. By judgement of 21 December 2023, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that a court cannot refuse to execute a European arrest warrant (EAW) on the sole ground that the requested person is the mother of young children living with her. However, that court may exceptionally refuse that person’s surrender if two conditions are satisfied.

The European harmonised technical standards on the safety of toys should be accessible to EU citizens

Judgement of the Court in Case C-588/21 P | Public.Resource.Org and Right to Know v Commission and Others. In 2018, the European Commission refused the request of two non-profit organisations to be granted access to harmonised technical standards concerning the safety of toys. In 2021, the General Court upheld that refusal. Relying in particular on the principle of the rule of law and the principle of free access to the law, the Court considers that the possibility for citizens to acquaint themselves with those standards may be necessary in order to enable them to verify whether a given product or service actually complies with the requirements of such legislation. Accordingly, the Court finds that there is an overriding public interest in disclosure of the harmonized standards in question.

Other organisations - Activities

UN – Committee on the Rights of the Child – General Comment on Children’s Rights to Access Justice and Effective Remedies

During its 95th session in January 2024, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child decided to draft its 27th General comment on children’s rights and to dedicate it to access to justice and effective remedies. The objective is to instigate States Parties to undertake appropriate actions to ensure children’s right to access justice and effective remedies. The Committee stated clearly its intention to involve Children in the drafting process.


Exhibition – Brussels – ‘From Despair to Hope: Children Beyond Armed Conflict’, P. DOWLING

From 21 March to 28 April 2024, a photography exhibition of Paddy Dowling, a humanitarian photojournalist and correspondent, takes place at the BOZAR Museum of Brussels. The exhibition was opened by Vice-President Dubravka Šuica, Virginia Gamba, the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and a representative of the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of Belgium. This collection of portraits shows children around the world who suffered, in different ways, from armed conflicts. The entrance is free.


UN online course – The Children and Armed Conflict

Until the end of the year, the United Nation system Staff College is proposing a free self-paced online course about children and armed conflicts. The course presents the UN Agenda on this topic and offers the possibility to contribute, through your work, to the implementation of this agenda.
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