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Newsletter on the rights of the child

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Newsletter 4/2023

Dear Rights of the child community. 2023 is coming to an end. We wanted to start this edition of the newsletter on a positive note, but it is difficult looking at the situation around the globe and the impacts on children. “Children do not start conflicts; they deserve and need peace,” was rightly put in the Joint Statement by the European Commission and the High Representative issued on the World’s Children Day. Nevertheless, we will try to bring some positives. In the same statement, we read about the upcoming Commission Recommendation on the integrated child protection systems, on the EU Children’s Participation Platform, Better Internet for Kids, European Child Guarantee and many other initiatives that took or will take place to make children’s live easier and happier. And this is our wish for 2024. For every child. Every right.

European Commission - Activities

EU Children’s Participation Platform – one year on

The Platform celebrated its 1st birthday in October during the third Advisory Board meeting – the first one with children. Over the year, the Platform had its first General Assembly, first consultation with children on what they need to feel safe and adopted its first Work Plan. You can read about it all in the Platform’s newsletter or on the website. The Platform has currently 50 member organisations from 20 EU Member States.


Clear Writing Award 2023

Documents prepared for the General Assembly of the EU Children’s Participation Platform won an award in the Winner in the External communications materials category! Big thanks to members of the Platform and all partners - we wouldn't have done this without you!


Victims’ rights campaign – keep your eyes open – focus on children

The book ‘The Girl Who Kept Her Eyes Open’ aims to raise awareness among children (7-10 years old) and adults (parents and teachers) of the problems suffered by people fleeing war and their rights. Through the story of a Ukrainian refugee child meeting a particularly observant little girl in her new school, it shows the importance of paying attention to others in order to recognize the victims of crime - in this case, the victims of war-related crimes - and offer them support. The book is available in 13 languages (English, French, Dutch, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak and Ukrainian).


Safer Internet Forum 2023

Safer Internet Forum (SIF) 2023 took place on 23.11.2023 with a theme of Empowering YOUth with skills for the Digital Decade. The event was organised in a youth-led manner, with 41 young people from 22 European countries playing an active role in planning, preparing and delivering the Forum through the Safer Internet Forum Youth Advisory Group (SIF YAG) and the BIK Youth Panel. More than 150 participants joined the event in person, with an additional 700 registering to participate participating online, and jointly representing 93 countries across the globe.


Early Childhood Education and Care – discover ECEC wiki

The ECEC space of the European Education Area website (aka the “ECEC wiki”) offers documents and resources on children’s rights and early childhood education and care. One of the latest documents is the 3rd report related to monitoring and evaluating quality of ECEC considers the importance and ways for “Involving children, parents, staff and stakeholders in monitoring and evaluating quality of early childhood education and care”.


Early Childhood Education and Care – policy brief

The Policy brief "Staff shortages in early childhood education and care" examines the extent, impact (incl. on the implementation of the Child Guarantee and the Barcelona targets), causes and solutions of ECEC staff shortages across Europe. It is currently available in English only, but translations in all EU languages will be available online in December.

Pathways to school success – report on assessment practices

A new thematic report was published by the Working Group Schools – Pathways. It looks at new assessment practices and argues that in addition to standardised tests, new assessment methods are needed that capture a broader range of learning aims. This means not only assessing knowledge, but also the ability to use knowledge in various contexts – as well as learners’ personal and social development and well-being.


European Education Area- factsheets on well-being and mental health

The European Commission together with NESET (Network of Experts on the Social Dimension of Education and Training) created a series of factsheets on on well-being and mental health in schools. The European Education Area promotes the development of a ‘whole-system, whole-school approach’ to address mental health and well-being in schools and build positive learning environments for all learners and their teachers.


World Mental Health Day Conference

To mark World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2023, the European Commission held a half-day, high-level conference in Brussels, hosted by Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety. This event brought together hundreds of representatives from the EU institutions, national governments, international organisations and other interested partners to raise awareness of the new approach, hear from experts, including on those specilising in child mental health. Those with lived experience, including young people shared their stories and recommendations. One chapter of the new communication on mental health focuses on children.


EU Learning corner – newsletter November 2023

This edition of the EU learning corner news looks into upcoming EU elections and proposes several resources on the EU, elections, voting and democracy.

European Youth week 2024

European Youth Week 2024 (12-19 April) is an event organised by the European Commission every second year to celebrate and promote youth engagement, participation and active citizenship all over Europe and beyond. Next year it is titled "Voice your vision” and will focus on democracy & European elections. See more on the European Youth Portal


European Commission - Funding

New call on the rights of the child

The 2024 call on the rights of the child is open for applications until 26 March 2024 with a substantial increase of the budget (from 2 to 12 million EUR). The call covers four priorities: Children’s mental health: prevention, protection and support; Embedding a rights of the child perspective in actions at national and local level: mainstreaming, national strategies, data, budgeting; Children’s engagement and participation: national and local level, to complement activities of the EU Children’s Participation Platform; Understanding democratic rights, which starts in childhood: education, creative learning, civic rights

Deadline 26/03/2024

New call on combating violence against children

New Daphne call is open for applications until 24 April 2024. One of the priorities looks at funding targeted actions on improving integrated child protection systems.
Deadline 24/04/2024

Framework partners get together

On 19 October, the European Commission held a meeting of CERV Framework Partners. The aim was to take stock of the successes and challenges faced by the partners so far, as well as look ahead at the coming years of collaboration. For the rights of the child session, we met online with ENOC, InHope, COPE, MCE and Child Helpline International. Read more about our partners in the document.
document Framework partners  (507 KB)

Other EU institutions and agencies - Activities

FRA – Children who fled Ukraine face rights challenges in the EU

FRA’s third bulletin on ‘The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine’ examines how best to protect the fundamental rights of children now in the EU who fled the war in Ukraine. It also identifies the steps some countries have taken and highlights various areas of concern like keeping track of children, access to education and mental healthcare, as well as the situation of children who were evacuated from Ukrainian institutions.

Spanish presidency of the of the Council of the European Union - child participation

Children's voices across borders - 30 children (from 12 to 17 years old) from 10 countries (Malta, Ireland, Germany, Luxemburg, France, Portugal, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic and Spain) took part in a conference organised by the Spanish presidency of the European Council , with the support of UNICEF Spain and Plataforma de infancia. For the first time, a Presidency conference was fully dedicated to child participation.

See also report in Spanish

EU co-funded projects

European Guardianship Network on World Children’s Day

On 20 November, EGN issued a document reporting on a conversation between European policymakers, guardianship organisations and young people on strengthening guardianship for unaccompanied children in Europe, hosted by the European Parliament.

EU Contest for young scientists 2023

The European Union (EU) Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) is the most important student science fair in the EU, showcasing the best of student scientific achievement in the EU and beyond. Each year, the event brings together promising, talented students & bright young minds (14-20 years old) from all over Europe and beyond, to present their projects to a panel of international judges.


SOS Children’s Villages -e-learning training on child participation

A new e-learning course as part of the EU co-funded project “Together: Working in partnership with children and youth to enhance their rights in responses to crisis situations such as COVID-19 and other emergencies”. The free course, “Meaningful Child and Youth Participation in Public Decision-Making,” aims to remind and refresh adults with policy and decision-making responsibility of their duty to uphold children’s rights by seeking children and young people’s views and taking them into consideration when making decisions that impact their lives. It is targeted primarily at public decision- and policy-makers, but it is also relevant for a wider group of professionals who work for and with children and young people.

Case law

European Court of Human Rights - climate change and child rights

Six children and young people (11-24) filed filed a lawsuit against 32 governments, including all EU member states, the UK, Norway, Russia, Switzerland and Turkey. They accuse these countries of insufficient action over climate change and failing to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions enough to hit the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming to 1.5C. The case is the first of its kind to be filed at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg.

document Grand Chamber hearing in the c...  (168 KB)

Other organisations - Activities

New online survey for children - The Europe kids want

The survey is open until the 15th of January in several EU languages for children between 10- and 18-years old living in the European Union. The objective is to gather the views of children ahead of the EU elections on what future EU leaders should prioritize. The results will be consolidated in a report that will be launched in March. The consultation is put together by ChildFund Alliance, Eurochild, Save the Children, SOS Children’s Villages and UNICEF.
Deadline 15/01/2024

The Child Justice Caravan

Child friendly justice network Caravan at DG JUST

On 4 December 2023, the CFJ-EN Child Justice Caravan made a stop at DG JUST, before visiting the EU Parliament and meeting with UNICEF and the Ombudsperson for children of the Francophone Belgian Community. The Child Justice Caravan is an initiative proposed by the CFJ-EN to children and young people to visit European institutions, meet with key representatives from these institutions, and become advocates for change in European justice systems and have their rights and needs better respected.


ENOC – annual thematic focus November 2023

ENOC’s 2023 annual thematic focus addresses the role of Independent Children’s Rights Institutions (ICRIs) in advancing children’s rights in Europe.
document ENOC-2023-Statement-on-Strengt...  (271 KB)

Behind the screens: early findings from the VOICE research

The VOICE research aims to listen to the views of children and caregivers and share their insights and opinions about online child safety to inform policy at the national and EU level, as well as globally. Using a mixed-method approach across 15* countries, the VOICE partners consulted a total of 316* children through focus group discussions and surveyed 6618 caregivers. As we start to delve into what children are telling us, this report offers a preview of the valuable perspectives of parents and caregivers on online safety, along with some initial reflections from children.

Eurochild – new report on child poverty

Eurochild’s new report “Poverty takes away the right to childhood”: Children’s perceptions of poverty in 4 EU Member States features the results of consultations with over 200 children (aged 10-18) in Bulgaria, Croatia, Malta and Estonia on child poverty. It presents how children view poverty and how they perceive its effects on their peers at home, in school, and in their community.


Studies and promising practices

Littsint- Anger management for parents

Steinar Sunde, specialist psychologist and cognitive therapist at the Family Counselling Centre in Molde, developed a website, e-book and anger management app with support from the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs. Littsint is a service providing free materials for parents who want to work on anger management.

This newsletter delivers updates on the rights of the child including information about new funding opportunities, new studies, reports and events.

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