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Newsletter on the rights of the child

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While waiting for the sun to show up in Brussels, we have compiled for you the latest news regarding children’s rights in the EU for you. You have other exciting news you would like to share with the network? Submit them to

European Commission - Activities

Video - 3 years of the EU Strategy on the rights of the child

This video highlights the progress in the implementation of the EU Strategy on the rights of the child. The Commission has put in play many actions announced in the 2021 Strategy. This aims to ensure the protection of all children, puts forward actions to better protect all children to help them fulfil their rights and to place them right at the centre of EU policy making.

author European Commission
See also EU strategy on the rights of the child

Video- Behind the scenes: designing “Your Digital Principles”

This video shows how a group of young people from a school in Dublin, Ireland, contributed to the creation of Your Digital Principles by advising on the language, visual style and some examples used in the booklet.

author European Commission
See also European Declaration on Digital Rights a...

Guidelines on wellbeing at school

The European Commission published two new sets of guidelines for education policymakers and for school leaders and educators respectively, to help them address the challenges related to wellbeing and mental health of both young people and teachers.


Webinar - launch of the report ‘Inclusion of displaced children from Ukraine in EU education systems – 2023/2024’

The webinar takes place on 26 June, from 9:30 to 10:30. The European Commission (DG EAC) - in cooperation with the Belgian Presidency of the Council - will present the results of the pilot data collection on the inclusion of displaced children from Ukraine in EU Member States’ education systems in 2023-2024. Please register before 24 June.


Webinar - Wellbeing without overload: integrating self-care in teaching practices

On 26 June, the European School Education Platform will run a webinar on how schools can reduce stress and enhance teacher wellbeing, e.g. through practical strategies that help integrate wellbeing into the daily routines of teachers.


Brochure – Keeping our promise to you!

The European Comission published a brochure to highlights EU’s achievements in supporting youth related issues including, education, employment, health, and environmental initiatives since the start of the current European Commission mandate in 2019.


European Migration Network Inform - Family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection

In the context of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Family Reunification Directive (2003/86/ EC) and in light of recent CJEU and ECtHR case-law, the last European Migration Network (EMN) inform examines the legislation and practice on aspects of family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection in EMN Member and Observer Countries.

European Commission - Funding

Have your say on Rights, equality, citizenship and values funding programmes

Share your feedback before 27 June. With this public consultation the European Commission asks stakeholders about their opinions on the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and EU added value of these programmes. It is available in all official EU languages . All responses are welcome, including from those who do not know these programmes well but are interested in the topics.

Call for proposals - Technical Support Instrument 2025

On 24 April 2024, the Commission launched a new call within the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) 2025 cycle. The aim of this call is to provide Member States with technical support for the design or implementation of reform projects in 2025. In particular, Member States can submit requests for technical support in a broad range of areas, such as green and digital transition, diversity, public and private finance, migration, business environment, health, skills and education. This can for instance cover on-demand tailor-made technical expertise for designing and implementing structural reforms linked to integrated child protection systems.
Deadline 31/10/2024

Other EU institutions and agencies - Activities

EU Youth Council meeting

On 13 May 2024, Belgium welcomed the Youth Ministers from the 27 European Union Member States for the EU Youth Council.  In this meeting, all 27 Member States adopted four Council acts, including the Council conclusion on the European and International Policy Agendas for Children, Youth, and Children’s Rights. These conclusions aim to strengthen synergies in the implementation between youth policy and children's rights agendas. The text addresses how Member States and the Commission can facilitate a more seamless transition from childhood to adulthood, especially for young people with fewer opportunities, and improve cooperation and exchange between relevant policies, policy areas and levels. It also invites to ensure sure access to children and youth spaces for meaningful, inclusive and safe participation.

EU co-funded projects

MOOC - Meaningful Child and Youth Participation in Public Decision-Making

The EU co-founded “Together” project developed a free e-learning course, “Meaningful Child and Youth Participation in Public Decision-Making”. The course is primarily designed for public decision- and policymakers, but it is also relevant for a wider group of professionals who work for and with children and young people.

Project ‘Towards a new governance framework for children and youth policies in Ireland’

The project is part of the European Child Guarantee Flagship, which facilitates the implementation of concrete actions and policies to prevent and combat child poverty and social exclusion, with specific attention to children experiencing disadvantages. It was supported by the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) and implemented by by the OECD with Ireland’s Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. It provided recommendations to improve the governance, monitoring and evaluation of child and youth policies.


Video - Implementation of Barnahus in EU Member States

DG REFORM published videos on “How the EU's Barnahus Model Protects Child Victims of Violence”. The European Commission together with the Council of Europe continuously work on promoting ‘House for Children’ with the goal to have Barnahus in all Member States, in line with the Commission Recommendationon integrated child protection systems. Since 2018, Slovenia, Finland, Ireland, Croatia and Spain have been implementing Barnahus with the help of Technical Support Instrument (TSI).
author Barnahus network
See also barnahus

Project: “Strengthening the response to violence against children through better informed policies and enhanced institutional capacity” - Poland and Romania

On 26 March 2024, DG REFORM selected a new round of 170 projects under the Technical Support Instrument (TSI), which aims to support Member States in designing and implementing reforms. One of them is a project to strengthen the response to violence against children in Poland and Romania, through better informed policies and an improved capacity of the authorities. The analysis will be used to underpin recommendations and roadmaps and to develop capacity of the professionals to prevent, identify and respond to violence against children. The project will be launched by September 2024, with UNICEF as implementing partner. If you are interested in applying for the TSI or have questions, please contact us at

Other organisations - Activities

Conference -mainstreaming children’s rights into decision-making

On 3 July, Eurochild will host an international hybrid conference on the topic of mainstreaming children’s rights into decision-making through the use of child rights impact assessments. This conference is part of Eurochild’s EU-funded Building Children’s Futures project, in partnership with Ireland’s leading organisations and government representatives for children rights.

Deadline 01/07/2024

1st newsletter from the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children

Check out the first newsletter of the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC).


Missing Children Europe- call for Youth Board members

Missing Children Europe is looking for 5 to 7 members aged between 15 and 24 years old who have experience of running away from the place they live in or being forced to leave, of being in migration and/or being an unaccompanied minor, and of being abducted and/or trafficked. Children and young people who have experience of being at risk of these issues may also apply.
Deadline 31/07/2024

First year of celebrations - International Day of Play

Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child (UNCRC) says that children have the right to rest, relax and play. This year, on 11 June, we celebrated the first ever International Day of Play, which aims to champion the importance of children having fun.


Guide to children’s participation in decisions about their health - Council of Europe

In April 2024, the Council of Europe published a Guide to children’s participation in decisions about their health, which aims to provide answers and food for thought and pursues efforts to promote a child-friendly, participatory approach to care and research.


First meeting of the European Child Advisory Board - Save the Children

On 17 May, children members of the Save the Children European Child Advisory Board met for the first time in Tirana, Albania. Young leaders aged 15-16 from Italy, Albania, Romania, and Sweden came together to work on setting up the board and shaping its future work in Europe. This marks the beginning of a journey to create a mechanism and a safe space for children to both influence the priorities of Save the Children in Europe and to engage directly with EU politicians and national decision-makers. The children have signed up to participate in the board for a minimum of one year, and will during their first term focus on capacity building and external communications, as well as being consulted on the Save the Children in Europe 2025-2027 Strategy.
This newsletter delivers updates on the rights of the child including information about new funding opportunities, new studies, reports and events.

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