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  06 December 2023  

Newsletter Nr. 56

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No place for hate: a Europe united against hatred


The Commission adopted a Communication on “No place for hate: a Europe united against hatred”. The Communication sets out a series of actions to combat hate speech and hate crime in all its forms. In reference to the rise of antisemitism and Stars of David on buildings that are reminiscent of the darkest chapter of European history, Vice President for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová said at the press conference:

“Now Europe must not lose the opportunity to do much better, to correct the horrible failure of the last century and to do everything to stop this. (...) States must protect the Jewish communities and people, and society should not tolerate it. Because passivity, apathy and indifference is just helping hate to grow.” 

She called on various civil society actors and recalled the responsibility of digital platforms:

“Digital platforms are a highway for intense communication. They are not a highway where you can drive without any limit or have the right to kill people”.

Calling on government, law enforcement, digital platforms, civil society, religious leaders, Vice President for Promoting our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas added:

“We are facing a very worrying situation and we have to avoid that the situation becomes worse. We have a spectacular rise of antisemitic incidents in the EU. But we also have probably a less visible, but still existing rise of anti-Muslim hatred. All this is incompatible with what Europe stands for.”


The Communication includes stepping up the work on combating hate speech online through an upgrade of the Code of conduct, including building a network of trusted flagger to address antisemitic online, measures to enhance the protection of places of worship via an increased budget of the Internal Security Fund, including 5 mio Euro dedicated to the security of Jewish communities and an upgrade to the role of Envoys of the current current Coordinators on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, on combating anti-Muslim hatred and on combating racism.

Watch press conference here: 

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See also Communication document


Conference on the aftermath of October 7th for Jewish communities worldwide

6 December 2023 - At a conference on 'Israel in October 2023 – Impressions of the country in the aftermath of October 7th', Katharina von Schnurbein, European Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, addressed the tsunami of antisemitism that the Jewish community in Europe is facing in the aftermath of Hamas' terror attack on the State of Israel.

She emphasized:

“The rise of antisemitism targets above all the Jews in Europe and around the globe. It threatens their security, their community life, their right to assemble freely, their right to education, their possibility to go about their lives in line with their religious and cultural traditions. This in itself would be sufficient reason to fight antisemitism. The rise of extremism that dovetails the upsurge of antisemitism threatens all of us. It threatens our security, our societal

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Conference on Freedom of Religion in Croatian Parliament

1 December 2023 - Ahead of the International Human Rights Day, the Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, warned of shrinking space for expression of freedom of religion or belief and the rise of antisemitism in Europe. The event was hosted by MP Marijana Petir, inside the Croatian Parliament. The new reports show high level of underreporting of incidents and speakers stated the importance for state authorities in EU to improve recording.

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European Commission Coordinator attends IHRA Plenary session

27 - 30 November 2023: The European Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Katharina von Schnurbein, attended and addressed the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Plenary that took place in Zagreb.

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2024 Call for proposals on judicial training priorities

The European Commission will publish its call for proposals on judicial training priorities, including on fundamental rights, in line with the Commission communication ‘Ensuring justice in the EU — a European judicial training strategy for 2021-2024'. The primary objective of the call is to support training promoting the digitalisation of national justice systems.

Training funded under this call are expected to build the “digital capacity” of justice professionals and promote the digital transition of judicial training methodologies, while also contributing to the effective and coherent application of EU law in the areas of civil law, criminal law, and fundamental rights, including non-discrimination, equality, and the rule of law. Funding will be provided for training activities and tools for training providers to support training activities for justice professionals.

Planned opening date: 12 December 2023
Deadline date: 21 March 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time
Type of MGA: JUST Lump Sum Grant [JUST-AG-LS]
Budget: 4 075 000

For more information, please consult the Call document.

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International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism

Council Declaration on mainstreaming the fight against antisemitism 2020

Council Declaration on the fight against antisemitism 2018

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