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  31 March 2023  

Newsletter Nr. 50

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STILL OPEN: FRA Third Survey on 'Perceptions and experiences of antisemitism'



The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)  3rd Survey on ‘Perceptions and Experiences of Antisemitism' is open until 26 April 2023. The current survey ( is addressed to all self-identifying Jews aged 16+ living in Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain and Sweden.

FRA conducted two similar surveys in 2012 and 2018 providing detailed insights into diffrent manifestations of antisemitism in the EU. 

The questionnaire will take about 35 minutes to complete. We encourage respondants to take the time and finalise the survey as its findings will feed into the next five years of public policy by the EU, Member States and civil society organisations working on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.

FRA’s purpose is to create the most informed and evidence-based portrait of perceptions of antisemitism and life as it is experienced by European Jews. It will be used by EU institutions, Member States, policy makers, influencers, and organisations working within Jewish and wider civil society. For this, an adequate representation of Jewish life in the EU in all its diversity is necessary.

Please do not hesitate to contact FRA so that you can receive updates, as well as digital materials, should you be willing to diseminate the information about the survey, at or

Results are expected to be disseminated widely later in 2023 and onwards through a variety of channels, including media and the FRA’s website

New Report: The field of research on contemporary antisemitism and Jewish life - Working towards a European research hub

31 March 2023 - The European Commission published an independent expert report 'The field of research on contemporary antisemitism and Jewish life - Working towards a European research hub', as part of the actions put forward by the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life (2021-2030). The report was prepared by a research team working under the auspices of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR).

This report maps the current field of research on contemporary antisemitism and Jewish life, it determines how the hub might support and enhance research in the field, and makes key recommendations for structuring and building the hub. The creation of a European research hub in contemporary antisemitism and Jewish life and culture, in cooperation with the EU Member States and the research community, is one of the flagship actions of the EU Antisemitism Strategy.

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document The Report  (1.02 MB)
Vice-President Schinas attends commemoration of deportation of Jews from Thessaloniki during World War II

On 19 March, Margaritis Schinas, Vice-President for Promoting Our European Way of Life, joint the President of Greece and the Jewish community in a silent march commemorating the murder of the Jews of Thessaloniki.

At the occassion, he said in a tweet:

„It is 80 years since the departure of the first train from Thessaloniki to the hell of Auschwitz that destroyed the historic community of our Jewish fellow citizens. With the President of the Republic and the people of Thessaloniki, Greece and Europe together: We remember, we honor, we don't forget.“

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EU Coordinator on combating antisemitism takes part in delegation meeting HRH Felipe VI of Spain

21-22 March 2023 - EU Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Katharina von Schnurbein, participated in an audience with HRH Felipe VI of Spain as part of a joint delegation of the World Jewish Congress and Special Envoys Combating Antisemitism. They discussed the richness of Sephardic life and heritage as well as ways to address the rise of antisemitism globally.

Ahead of the Spanish EU Presidency, Special Envoys met for a joint working-session together with the WJC Executive Committee to discuss recently adopted national plans on combating antisemitism. The discussions also centered around the role of youth and women empowerment within the context of Jewish communities and rising challenges of antisemitism online linked to artificial intelligence.

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EU Coordinator on combating antisemitism attends 'Actions Matter: The International Antisemitism Summit'

28 March 2023 - Speaking at the 'Actions Matter: The International Antisemitism Summit' organised by ELNET, the EU Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Katharina von Schnurbein, shared best practices on coalition building and intersectionality and how to address all forms of contemporary antisemitism online.

Ms. von Schnurbein also stressed the need to take into consideration the victim's perspective which is according to surveys best reflected in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of antisemitism. She said:

“While Holocaust related antisemitism is seen by Jews as the most pernicious form, Israel related antisemitism is the form that Jews encounter most online. Any definition that omits Israel-related antisemitism therefore misses the point.”

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European Commission takes part in 'Anti-Racism and Diversity Week 2023'

21 March 2023 - The European Commission, represented by Dr. Pascale Falek, Policy officer in the office of the EU Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, took part in the 'Anti-Racism and Diversity Week 2023' hosted by Members of the European Parliament.

Alongside other EU Coordinators on fundamental rights, Dr. Falek discussed in the session on 'Racial Justice and policy making: state of the art in the Member States' about the EU institutional efforts to combat antisemitism and presented how the  EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life (2021-2030) can serve as example of countering all forms and manifestations of discrimination.

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Read the latest news 

International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism

Council Declaration on mainstreaming the fight against antisemitism 2020

Council Declaration on the fight against antisemitism 2018

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