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  07 March 2022  

Newsletter Nr. 27 CORRIGENDUM

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Council adopted conclusions on combating racism and antisemitism

The Council of the European Union adopted on Friday, 4 March 2022, the Conclusions on combating racism and antisemitism which endorse the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life and invite Member States to develop national action plans and/or strategies, and endeavor to do so by the end of 2022.

Please read the conclusions in all EU languages here.

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Speech by President von der Leyen at the European Parliament Plenary on Putin’s aggression against Ukraine

1 March 2022 - European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen delievered a speech at the European Parliament Plenary on Putin’s aggression against Ukraine.

She started by saying:

"War has returned to Europe. Almost thirty years after the Balkan Wars, and over half a century after Soviet troops marched into Prague and Budapest, civil defence sirens again went off in the heart of a European capital. Thousands of people fleeing from bombs, camped in underground stations – holding hands, crying silently, trying to cheer each other up. Cars lined up towards Ukrainian Western borders, and when many of them ran out of fuel, people picked up their children and their backpacks and marched for tens of kilometres towards our Union."

President von der Leyen continued by stating:

“This is a moment of truth for Europe. Let me quote the editorial of one Ukrainian newspaper, the Kyiv Independent, published just hours before the invasion began: ‘This is not just about Ukraine. It is a clash of two worlds, two polar sets of values.’ They are so right. This is a clash between the rule of law and the rule of the gun; between democracies and autocracies; between a rules-based order and a world of naked aggression. How we respond today to what Russia is doing will determine the future of the international system. The destiny of Ukraine is at stake, but our own fate also lies in the balance. We must show the power that lies in our democracies, the power of people that choose their independent paths, freely and democratically.”

Read the speech for information on concrete European actions in response to the Russian aggression.

The speech is available online in English, French, German and Ukrainian.

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Vice President Schinas reacts as missile struck close to Babyn Yar memorial site

1 March 2022 - In Putin’s war against Ukraine, a missile strike hit Kyiv’s television tower that is located close to the memorial site of Babyn Yar, the ravine where more than 30,771 Jews were shot in the autumn of 1941 by the Nazis.

In a tweet, Vice President Margaritis Schinas stated:

I was at Babyn Yar a few months ago, site of one of the most brutal massacres of Jews during WWII. Heart-wrenching to see innocent lives lost again there in a senseless war. As @EP_President said, this is Europe’s ‘whatever it takes’ moment to stop history from repeating itself.

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Commission presents EU antisemitism strategy during meeting of Delegation for relations with Israel

1 March 2022 - The European Parliament Delegation for relations with Israel together with members of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs dedicated a session to an exchange of views on the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.

Katharina von Schnurbein, the Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, acknowledged the action by Jewish organisations and communities in support of the refugees coming from Ukraine. She then gave an overview of the main actions the strategy puts forward and discussed its implementation with the Members of the European Parliament. Nicola Beer, Vice-President of the European Parliament and Chair of the Woking Gorup against antisemitism, spoke about the challenges Jewish community is facing and the legal actions EU needs to take in order to combat the scourge of antisemitism in Europe.

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WIZO discuses the work of the Commission in the fight against antisemitism

2 March 2022 - At an informative session organised by Women's International Zionist Organisation (WIZO) of Austria and Germany, Katharina von Schnurbein presented the work of the EU in the fight against antisemitism and the promotion of Jewish life in Europe. The presentation was followed by an open discussion with the participants.

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Coordinator on combating antisemitism meets with Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League

1 March 2022 - Katharina von Schnurbein, European Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, met with Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, in Brussels to discuss the current challenges, in particular with regards to antisemitic hate speech, conspiracy myths and disinformation online and the need for education about Jewish life and antisemitism.

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International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism

Council Declaration on mainstreaming the fight against antisemitism 2020

Council Declaration on the fight against antisemitism 2018

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