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  11 February 2022  

Newsletter Nr. 25

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EU Antisemitism Strategy presented at the European Economic and Social Committee

10 February 2022 - European Commission Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Katharina von Schnurbein, presented the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life during a debate on antisemitism organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

This debate took place in the context of the meeting of the Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC), in preparation of the EESC opinion on the EU strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.

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European Commission takes active part in the Conference on Combating Antisemitism in the OSCE Region

7 February 2022 - The European Commission presented the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life during the first conference of the Polish OSCE Chairmanship that took place in the POLIN Museum and online.

Pascale Falek, Policy officer, addressed the conference by presenting specific actions that the EU strategy puts forward on protecting and fostering Jewish life.

The conference gathered government representatives, as well as relevant stakeholders from international organisations, academia, civil society organisations and leaders of Jewish communities and local activists, offering a platform for dialogue on challenges and good practices in addressing antisemitism.

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European Commission teams up with ODIHR and World Jewish Congress to improve security for Estonian Jewish community
20 January 2022 - To address the rise of antisemitism in Europe and the security threats it poses to the Jewish communities, the European Commission together with OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the World Jewish Congress are organising a series of events to build effective communication between National Security Institutions and Jewish communities.

The European Commission represented by Wester Meijdam, Policy officer, addressed Estonian law enforcement authorities, security experts and the Jewish community emphasizing the Commission's support and determination to ensure a Europe free from antisemitism.

The further aim of this event was to raise awareness among the authorities on the history of Jewish life and culture in Estonia, but also to identify current and potential challenges to the community, such as specific security issues stemming from antisemitic conspiracy theories or antisemitic bias. The event also aimed at establishing coordination structures and designated contact points to facilitate effective and meaningful communication between the authorities and the Jewish community in Estonia, in order to recognize and address antisemitism in all its forms

Call for proposals for actions on the protection of public spaces, including places of worship
The European Commission opened the call for proposals for the protection of places of worship on 8 February 2022.

The Scope of activities and outcome:

  • Improving cooperation between public authorities and faith-based leaders and congregations, including establishing clear communication channels and providing information about, and a better understanding of, security threats (including terrorist threats and hate crimes);
  • Designing and implementing security awareness raising campaigns specifically targeting places of worship, preferably on an EU-wide basis, to make citizens more aware of threats, encourage them to report suspicious behaviour and promote an appropriate response to threats (e.g. RUN-HIDE-TELL or similar models);
  • Sharing of knowledge, tools and good practices on protective measures across different Member States: either among organisations of the same faith, or preferably between and involving different faiths;
  • Development and implementation of security concepts, measures, programs and communication plans; Development and implementation of trainings and workshops.

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document Call document  (1.27 MB)
document Standard application form  (1.88 MB)

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