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A new home for S3 beyond the EU

Following the launch of the Smart Specialisation Community of Practice, focusing on EU regions, we are pleased to unveil new webpages for our work on Innovation in the EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Region (https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/scientific-activities-z/innovation-eu-enlargement-and-neighbourhood-region_en) and Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/scientific-activities-z/science-technology-and-innovation-sustainable-development-goals_en). Browse these pages to learn more about fostering Smart Specialisation Strategies and fortifying innovation ecosystems in the EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Region, and on augmenting Science, Technology and Innovation for SDG roadmaps.

Territories in ACTION! First ever JRC TV Show

On April 09, JRC.B Fair and Sustainable Economy director Mikel Landabaso hosted the JRC first ever TV show to present our recently published “ACTIONBook. Innovation for place-based transformation”. During the show, we could see examples of innovative territories (Espoo, Finland, Medimurje, Croatia, and Tuscany, Italy) that undertook initiatives to adapt towards sustainability. We counted with the presence of the President of the Committee of the Regions, Commissioners Iliana Ivanova and Elisa Ferrerira, MEPs Lina Gálvez and Ivars Ijab. Next step in our journey is the launch of the EU preparatory action around place-based transformative innovation, that will allow us to involve more territories and test the proposal of the ACTIONBook.

See also ACTIONbook

Cohesion policy: JRC analysis shows positive impact

Every euro invested will generate 1.3 EUR of additional GDP in the EU by 2030, and nearly 3 EUR by 2043, according to a JRC analysis of the EU’s 2014-2027 cohesion policy. This and other studies have contributed vastly to the 9th cohesion report, published by DG REGIO. Learn more and discover JRC work on economic growth, demographic change, smart specialisation governance, and place-based approaches to the green transition.
See also 9th cohesion report published

Long-term vision for the EU's rural areas: JRC contribution

The European Commission published a report on the progress made on the long-term vision for EU rural areas. At the JRC, we are making significant contributions towards the EU effort for stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous rural communities, with activities including the Rural Observatory, the Rural toolkit, the European Startup Village Forum, as well as recent publications on renewable energy production and potential and the definition of Functional Rural Areas.



Assessing territorial and local development strategies

The Self-Assessment Tool for Territorial and Local Development strategies (SAT4TER) helps local and managing authorities to pinpoint the strengths of their integrated territorial development strategies and identify opportunities for improvement. The tool will be launched online on 23 April, with a live demo and practical insights on the tool.

date 23/04/2024 - 23/04/2024
Registration Deadline 19/04 eob

Working Group on System Dynamics for System Innovation

The second meeting of the Working Group on "System Dynamics for System Innovation" will take place on May 06. The aim of the second meeting is to present and discuss an early version of the POLYTRoPOS System Dynamics model by the JRC, applied to the case of renewable energy in the EU27 and to the twin challenge of effective deployment and production capability development through innovation. Working Group meetings are open to all interested experts and policy practitioners. To be invited please send an email expressing interest to JRC B7 SECRETARIAT.

date 06/05/2024 - 06/05/2024

The future of cities: 3 upcoming webinars

The Future of Cities report illustrates the main challenges our cities will have to face, and the strengths they can capitalise on to build their desired futures. A series of 3 webinars starting in May will focus on compelling topics: heat extremes, homelessness (browse our policy brief https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC136178 if you want to already get some insights), crises and long-term challenges.
date 16/05/2024 - 20/06/2024
Registration Save the date

JRC vacancies

New position open in the B7 Unit REMO project

The Territorial Data, Analysis and Modelling team (TEDAM) is looking for an applied economist / data analyst to work under the REMO pillar and contribute to the European Commission’s analysis, monitoring and impact assessments of different EU policies at the territorial level (NUTS2 regions). Come join our Unit!

Calls and Expressions of Interest

Open call: territorial peer reviews in non-urban areas

The JRC and DG REGIO are holding a two-day workshop aimed at local authorities responsible for designing and implementing development strategies in non-urban areas under the EU Cohesion Policy 2021-2027. If you wish to receive tailored support to improve your territorial strategy from peer and experts, apply now! The call is open until 2 May.


New publications

Science, Technology and Innovation in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report evaluates the readiness of 14 Sub-Saharan African countries for Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) driven Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) roadmaps. It highlights socio-economic and sustainability challenges, the need for urgent STI interventions, and uneven SDG progress. The report concludes with an analysis of STI networks and a country-by-country breakdown, laying the groundwork for future, localized STI for SDGs strategies.

author Daniels, C., Sarcina, A., Arranz Sevillano, P., Janosov, M., Zhu, M., Giuliani, D. and With, L.
See also Download

An Extensive Study of Mauritius' Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurial Economic Ecosystem

This report contributes to the development of Mauritius' STI for SDGs roadmap by examining the structure and conditions of its entrepreneurial innovation-driven economic ecosystem. It employs participatory methods to assess institutions and capacities for innovation and entrepreneurship, and aims to assist stakeholders in enhancing the ecosystem and advancing sustainable development.

See also Download

This is the monthly Transforming Territories Newsletter of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), The European's Commission's science and knowledge service.

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To know more about our activities, please visit https://place-based-innovation.ec.europa.eu/index_en  



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