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Territories in ACTION! TV news from the Joint Research Centre

Join us Tuesday 9 April at 11:00 am to see how territories are implementing their place-based strategies. We will talk about innovation in a streamed live TV show with Commissioners, the Committee of the Regions and MEPs in Brussels. Some time ago, we embarked in a pilot project to accompany European territories towards innovation strategies for place-based transformations. With the collaboration of the Committee of the Regions, more than 70 territories took ownership of the initiative and worked together to co-create and test new ways forward. Together, we have outlined a framework, the ACTIONbook, to root efforts in the unique characteristics and potential of each region and territory, and steer them towards EU priorities. Learn about the territories and the activities that are transforming Europe through innovation.
See also Click here to join

This is the monthly Transforming Territories Newsletter of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), The European's Commission's science and knowledge service.

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To know more about our activities, please visit https://place-based-innovation.ec.europa.eu/index_en  



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