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  13 February 2023  

Territorial Data Analysis and Modelling Newsletter

Joint Research Centre

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In this issue
Introduction and highlights
The TEDAM activities of the second half of 2022

This Newsletter summarises the activities of the Territorial Data Analysis and Modelling team

This is a summary of the TEDAM activities related to the use of regional EU data and to the use of the RHOMOLO model in the second half of 2022.

On the policy side, a contribution by the Regional Economic Monitoring (REMO) team was included in the ERA industrial technology roadmap for circular technologies and business models in the textile, construction and energy intensive industries published by the Directorate-General for Research & Innovation.

The pilot phase of the Territorial Economic Data viewer was officially launched in October 2022 and can be found here: the territorial data-monitoring tool on different Research and Innovation funds, and beyond, allows to compare the size of different EU funding instruments, to show their contribution to total R&D expenditures, and their sectorial concentration.

This Newsletter also lists a number of publications, including a Regional Studies article with a modelling ex-ante impact analysis of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). 

Finally, the TEDAM team participated in three international conferences sponsored by the JRC at the end of 2022.

See also The TEDAM team
Past and future events
TEDAM participation in three international conferences in 2022

The JRC sponsored the 2022 conferences of the Italian and Spanish Associations of Regional Science

The JRC sponsored the following two conferences:

  1. AISRE XLIII Annual Scientific Conference: Cities and Regions in Transition (Politecnico di Milano, 5-7 September 2022)
  2. XLVII International Conference on Regional Science: Challenges, Policies and Governance of the Territories in the Post-Covid Era (University of Granada, 19-21 October 2022)

Moreover, the TEDAM team organised two sessions at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2022 to present the Territorial Economic Data viewer (TEDv), and other Regional Economic Monitoring (REMO) activities on EU funds.

date 21/10/2022 - 21/10/2022
Policy Contributions and Impact
DG RTD's ERA industrial technology roadmap for circular technologies and business models in the textile, construction and energy intensive industries

A REMO analysis on 2014-2020 ERDF beneficiaries using text mining analysis to identify circular economy projects is included in the report

About €22.9 billion of the European Regional Development Fund in 2014-2020 (12% of the total) supported projects related to the development or adoption of circular economy technologies, and eco-friendly business models.

See the Policy Insight JRC132160.

See also DG RTD's publication
Journal articles presenting TEDAM work

In the last six months of 2022, two articles were published which include work carried out by the TEDAM team

  • Barbero, Conte, Crucitti, Lazarou, Sakkas, and Salotti provide a spatial general equilibrium analysis of the impact of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in the EU regions - Read the Regional Studies article
  • Crucitti, Lazarou, Monfort, and Salotti study the international spillovers generated by Cohesion policy - An Economic Systems article is forthcoming (an early version of it is available as a DG REGIO Working paper here)
  • The article by Barbero, Christensen, Conte, Lecca, Rodríguez-Pose, and Salotti on the influence of quality of government improvements on the impact of Cohesion policy was included in the Journal of Common Market Studies Vol. 61, pp. 38-57
Three economic modelling working papers

Three economic modelling articles were published in the last six months of 2022

  • Christensen and Persyn present a model with endogenous labour supply with an application to the recent COVID crisis - Working Paper no. JRC131057
  • Crucitti, Lecca, Monfort, and Salotti analyse the impact of Cohesion policy with a spatial dynamic model with forward-looking agents - Working Paper no. JRC130196
  • Sánchez-Martínez and Christensen study the long-term macroeconomic effects of the COVID crisis - Working Paper no. JRC129120
Regional Economic Modelling Newsletter
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