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  18 May 2022  

EUROMOD Newsletter – Joint Research Centre (JRC)

EUROMOD: the tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union

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New EUROMOD beta release (I4.62+)
A new beta version of EUROMOD has just been released! Links to the new model and data can be found in the Access EUROMOD area on the EUROMOD website.

Originally developed by the JRC to be used by experts inside the European Commission network, since April 2021 the interface is open to any researcher or policy analyst. Please, continue reading if you would like to discover more about this tool!

Annual Research Conference: How to turn green in the European way? keeping cutting the edge while remaining fair and social

We are excited to inform you that JRC is co-organizing the Annual Research Conference together with ECFIN hybrid (in Seville and in remote) next 20-21 September How to turn green in the European way? keeping cutting the edge while remaining fair and social.

The conference will feature several presentations dealing with the distributional impact of Green policies, including taxation.

Michael Christl and Vanda Almeida

Michael Christl and Vanda Almeida recently left the EUROMOD team.

Michael's work focused on the area of microsimulation, where he worked on model maintenance and development in the area of taxation policy using the EUROMOD microsimulation model. He was also the EUROMOD developer for Austria, Hungary and Netherlands. He was also part of the team in charge of generating the EUROMOD public release and of the team that coordinates the B2 Seminars.

Vanda worked on the assessment of the impact of fiscal reforms affecting tax revenues and benefit expenses, inequality, and disposable income in the European Union member states. Furthermore, she contributed to the improvement of the link between the European Commission's microsimulation and DSGE models, EUROMOD and QUEST respectively. She was also the EUROMOD developer for France, Portugal and, in previous years, for Germany.

The EUROMOD team wishes them the best in their next projects!

Kostas Manios

Kostas has recently joined the EUROMOD team. He holds a degree in Computer Science and an MSc by Research from Salford University. Before joining the JRC, he was the main software developer of the EUROMOD software in ISER, University of Essex, and played a central role to the design and development of the EUROMOD software and a broad range of related plugins (such as ITT, HHoT, Statistics Presenter). He also designed and developed a tool for building custom simplified web interfaces for EUROMOD, known as EM Light.

Country by country
Call for tenders for the technical support for EUROMOD for 7 countries
This year the framework contracts with seven EUROMOD National Teams will expire and we will soon launch the call for tenders to contract National Teams for the next four years for the following countries: Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden. You will find the prior information notice following this link.
Highlights on National Teams
Who’s who – the Danish National Team

The National Team from Denmark working on EUROMOD is composed of M. Azhar Hussain and Bent Greve. Let's find out about them!

Who’s who – the Maltese National Team

The National Team from Malta working on EUROMOD is composed of Stephanie Vella, Wayne Apap and Riana Said. Click on "more" to learn more about them!

Projects & Publications
Recent publications using EUROMOD

A list of recent publications using EUROMOD, including direct links.

Other news
EUROMOD Statistics and Reports

As in previous years, the EUROMOD team has produced three documents summarising the main results obtained with the latest version of the model: the Statistics on the Distribution and Decomposition of Disposable Income (Webstatistics), the EUROMOD baseline report and the PET indicators. These documents have been published in the EUROMOD website together with the Scientific Report produced by the The Scientific Advisory Board.

The London School of Economics is looking for a research assistant
The European Institute at the LSE is looking to hire a research assistant (experienced in the use of EUROMOD and statistical software) over the summer for a project on the political economy of democratic representation at the London School of Economics and University of Oxford. Click below to read the details.
This is the EUROMOD Newsletter of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service.

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