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The JRC Policy Atlas on Small Urban Areas

The crucial role of towns in regional development and policy-making was the focus of the EWRC session ‘Towns in EU and OECD countries’. Giulia Testori (JRC) introduced the Policy Atlas of sustainable urban development for small urban areas, highlighting the significant challenges EU towns face, along with viable policy recommendations.

date:  14/11/2023

Lewis Djikstra (JRC) and Lucile Lecomte (DG REGIO) further contributed with their paper "Towns in Europe" explaining how towns in Europe are defined using the Degree of Urbanisation classification, while David Burgalassi presented OECD's works "Shrinking Smartly and Sustainably" and "Settlement Networks and Links between Population, Services and Connectivity". These presentations combined offered a comprehensive view of the crucial function of towns as regional hubs, thus enhancing their relevance in regional development strategies.