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Interview with Xavier Timbeau

Xavier Timbeau is the principal director of L’Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques (OFCE) at SciencesPo.

The OFCE is an independent body that produces forecasts, research and evaluations of public policy. It covers most areas of economic analysis, from macroeconomics, growth, social protection systems, taxation and employment policy, to sustainable development, competition, innovation and regulation.

You can read the full interview through the link below.

date:  15/09/2023

- Can you explain briefly what your job entails and what activities it includes?

I conduct applied research in economics at OFCE, Sciences Po Paris. It covers public policy evaluation, design and ex-ante calibration for a wide range of policies: fiscal, monetary, and trade. However, in the last decade, environmental issues have become increasingly prominent. For a few years, I have been working on urban policies with a focus on urban mobility, as it is a large source of greenhouse gas emissions. 

- Within your domain, what do you consider the biggest challenge(s) for cities and urban stakeholders right now? 

My personal conviction is that cities are – to quote Glaeser – of one the most fantastic inventions of humanity. However, they need serious freshening up to function again. Cities are where the 2 most important challenges for modern regulated capitalism are colliding with reality: inequality and climate change.

On a more intellectual level, the avalanche of data we are witnessing is also a fantastic opportunity to understand, test and design the city of tomorrow.

- How do you perceive the dynamics between academia and local policymakers in the urban domain? 

I am rather new to the domain, but I have the feeling that, at least at the level of medium-sized urban areas, everyone is expecting a lot from the use of data to provide a rational approach to very polarising issues. I see a strong source of motivation and hope in the use of complex research to inform public choices.

- If you could formulate one sentence to convey a message to other local policymakers, civil servants, researchers and other members of this community of practice for CITIES, what would it be?

We have a whole new continent to discover. We need to dare to explore it.

Explore further and have a look at it is a work in progress but you can find some interesting elements.