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JRC at Brussels Urban Summit workshop on Homelessness

Last month the Brussels Urban Summit took place, gathering over 400 cities worldwide, and more than 2300 politicians, experts and representatives of civil society to exchange ideas and set the priorities for sustainable, affordable, and liveable cities going forward.

JRC participated in a workshop on homelessness, aimed to explore why some groups are more at risk of homelessness and why it is necessary to tailor our responses to different profiles. JRC discussed their report “Homelessness in EU cities and towns before and during the covid-pandemic”, illustrating that data collection for hard-to-reach populations comes with many challenges. Other speakers included representatives from EUROCITIES, The European Platform on Combatting Homelessness, FEANTSA, the DEVJO foundation, and NESTINVEST.

Have a look back at the programme of the Summit here.

date:  17/07/2023