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Scientific storytelling

A feature of the AKP is its deep-dive narratives. A new paper describes the rationale behind these narratives and how they complement the JRC’s work on raw materials in Africa

date:  05/12/2022

Scientific knowledge does not automatically turn into new policy without passing through an interpretive knowledge brokering process. The Africa Knowledge Platform believes that an effective way to do this is by presenting complex geospatial information as interactive digital storymaps. This rationale has been explained in a new research paper, which elaborates on the Africa Knowledge Platform’s role in knowledge brokering. We present two case studies on how geospatial information can support European policies on raw materials. First, we describe the environmental and social risks of sourcing critical raw materials from the DRC. Second, we illustrate how satellite technology can monitor the impacts of extractive industries on tropic forests in the Republic of the Congo. The paper portrays raw material extraction from Africa in the context of ecological degradation and showcases the potential of using scientific storytelling to bring together disparate, but shared, policy goals.

Read the paper.