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CoP Cities Plenary 2023

The CoP Cities Plenary 2023 was held in Brussels in October 2023 and saw the participation of numerous members and stakeholders of the community. After Lewis Dijkstra (JRC) opened the plenary and welcomed CoP members, Laura Hagemann Arellano (Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy – DG REGIO) presented an overview of initiatives on urban policy and inequalities from DG REGIO and the European Urban Initiative.

date:  14/11/2023

During the panel exchange, three guests introduced complementary perspectives on urban inequalities. Solène Molard from Eurocities highlighted the challenges connected to skills potential, affordable housing and inter-generational issues. Housing Europe’s Sorcha Edwards focused on supporting climate-neutral, affordable communities, and highlighted the key challenges around housing. Finally, Teresa Sordé from the Autonomous University of Barcelona introduced neighbourhood learning spaces, as a glue to unite generations and provide pathways to opportunities.

Participants actively engaged in an ‘opinion line’ exercise. Particularly lively discussions were sparked by the issue that significant gaps remain in the understanding of the factors behind poverty and exclusion – a statement shared by the majority of participants. A consensus emerged that significant proportions of the urban population remain invisible to data. As a result, and despite high levels of investment over time, significant gaps remain in the evidence of urban inequalities, which ultimately weaken the policy approach and implementation on the ground.

The session ended with final inputs from the JRC. Patrizia Sulis presented a comprehensive review of recent and relevant JRC work related to urban inequalities and housing affordability. Alessandro Rainoldi concluded the event highlighting how all topics presented were highly relevant for CoP-CITIES members and can be the focus of further research from the JRC.