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One Forest Summit in Libreville, Gabon

Cooperative advancements for the protection of rainforests and the creation of jobs related to their management

date:  27/04/2023

Progress and prospects about the preservation and sustainable management of tropical forests were examined during the 6th edition of the One Forest Summit which took place in Libreville (Gabon) on March 1st and 2nd, bringing together representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions, private companies, think tanks, civil society and indigenous peoples’ organisations. A roadmap for new commitments was developed – named the “Libreville Plan” – which includes the funding of a mechanism to remunerate exemplary countries via “biodiversity credits”, a new scientific project with the aim of measuring the net balance of carbon sequestration and mapping the most vital carbon and biodiversity reserves in the Amazon, Africa and Asia, and a strategy to generate 10 million jobs by 2030 in activities related to sustainable exploitation of tropical forests (“10by30” strategy).