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CoP-Cities plenary 2022

CoP-Cities Plenary!

date:  13/04/2022

Dear CoP-CITIES members, 

We invite all of you to join our annual CoP-CITIES plenary meeting taking place Thursday April 28th from 14:00 – 15:30 hours. The event will be online on Zoom, please find here the link to connect: Join Zoom Meeting

All speakers will update you on relevant work on cities, while there will also be time for open discussions and questions from the audience. During the meeting, we will also invite all of you to think about future collaborations among CoP-CITIES' members on short joint publications on relevant urban topics.  


A word of welcome: Mikel Landabaso | Director of Growth and Innovation, Joint Research Centre (JRC)

Up next: insights from CoP-CITIES Members

Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO): Thomas de Béthune | Team Leader, Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development Unit

Urban Innovative Actions (UIA): Tim Caulfield | Director of the UIA Initiative

City Science Initiative (CSI): Caroline Nevejan | Chief Science Officer of the city of Amsterdam

Q&A and discussion session

Building upon The Future of Cities report – the new policy briefs

Call for future topics and presentation of three newly published policy briefs:

Shrinking cities: Jean-Philippe Aurambout | Project Officer, Territorial Development Unit, JRC

Cities fit for the digital age: Patrizia Sulis | Project Officer, Territorial Development Unit, JRC

Urban-peripheral interactions and their territorial disparities: Carolina Perpiña Castillo | Project Officer, Territorial Development Unit, JRC

Q&A and discussion session

CityLabs: a proposed methodology

Silvia Iodice, Patrizia Sulis, Giulia Testori | Project Officers, Territorial Development Unit, JRC

Q&A and discussion session

Concluding Remarks: Alessandro Rainoldi | Head of Unit, Territorial Development Unit, JRC

Moderation: Eddy Adams | URBACT Programme Expert and UIA Expert

For any further questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us through:

We look forward to hearing from you on April 28th!