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Flash News from the
Disaster Risk Management
Knowledge Centre

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A building block of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network's Science Pillar

Dear DRMKC Community Members,
Welcome to our inaugural 2024 Flash News edition!

We continue our mission to share new scientific findings and knowledge products across the boundaries of scientific disciplines and with policy makers in the EU and Member States. In particular in a year of elections, when everyone is thinking about priorities of the future, it is important to fuel the discussions with evidence and scientific reflections.

Highlights in this issue include a fresh update on the INFORM Map Explorer, enriched with new data and a forthcoming report. We also explore the key takeaways from the 7th DRMKC Annual Seminar, we address the severe droughts impacting the Amazon basin and introduce initiatives such as the European Drought Observatory for Resilience and Adaptation (EDORA). You will also find a suite of valuable resources encompassing training programs and funding opportunities. 

For comprehensive insights into the latest scientific developments and solutions aiding in DRM planning and operations, remember to subscribe to the Newsletter of Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network and visit the DRMKC page on Science for DRM

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Main Highlights

INFORM Map Explorer is now updated with the latest data

Did you know the INFORM Map Explorer is already feeding from the new 2024 dataset? Visit the dashboard, play with the filters to combine your preferred risk drivers and create nice maps and charts. And stay tuned for the upcoming INFORM 2024 report presenting some of these latest data.


DRMKC Annual Seminar: main outcomes, presentations and videos are now available

The 7th DRMKC Annual Seminar emphasized EU climate policies, identified knowledge gaps in disaster resilience, and presented innovative solutions, showcasing the critical role of science in building resilience and fostering collaboration. Check out the results!


Record temperatures and heatwaves bring unprecedented drought to the Amazon basin

Unprecedented drought and extreme heatwaves have been affecting the Amazon basin, threatening one of Earth’s most vibrant ecosystems and local communities.


How has the EDORA been supporting drought adaptation in the EU?

Climate change has been worsening drought risks, leading EU Member States to enhance or create plans for managing and adapting to drought impacts on regions and critical sectors. The European Drought Observatory for Resilience and Adaptation (EDORA) network has been providing new insights to these matters – a new science for policy report shows how.


Announcement: DRMKC & CONRIS disaster risk management training: registrations open

The Disaster Risk Management Training, jointly conducted by DRMKC and CONRIS, offers comprehensive knowledge on risk management. The program covers themes such as international frameworks, hazards, risk drivers, societal impacts, coping strategies or public perception, among others. From 27 February to 1 March 2024.


Announcement: 3rd CEMS Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring annual meeting

Join this meeting to share and learn from the insights of the flood forecasting and monitoring community – researchers, water and emergency management authorities, humanitarian aid organisations, insurance companies, civil protection and first line responders. Online on the 5-6 March.


Announcement: Foresight survey: have your say on future risks

The EU Policy Lab invites you to take part in a Delphi survey on future risks, as part of a foresight initiative. With your valuable insight, this survey will assess the severity and scope of a list of potential future risks. If you are willing to participate, please register your interest!


Announcement: Knowledge for action in prevention and preparedness: call for proposals and information day

The information day is intended for representatives of stakeholders in the field of civil protection and disaster risk management to get familiar with the objectives of the KAPP call for proposals, published in the Funding and Tenders portal on 16 January 2024.


Additional Resources

The multi-temporal and multi-dimensional Global Urban Centre Database to delineate and analyse world cities

Monitoring sustainable urban development requires comparable geospatial information on cities across several thematic domains. A new study presents the first global database combining such information with city extents.

Multi-risk assessment in transboundary areas: a framework for harmonized evaluation considering seismic and flood risks

A new paper outlines a method from the BORIS (Cross BOrder RISk assessment for increased prevention and preparedness in Europe) project to assess seismic and flood risks across European borders. It aims to develop a standardized approach by independently analyzing each risk while harmonizing assessment procedures for comparability.

Even at 1.5°C warming, small island developing states risk flooding from sea level rise

A first-time panoramic look at Small Island Developing States (SIDS) shows they face a drastic increase in coastal flood risk due to rising sea levels caused by climate change, according to a JRC-led study.

Tackling growing drought risks – the need for a systemic perspective

A new report outlines that to effectively assess and manage drought risks, a systemic perspective is needed. The authors propose a novel drought risk framework that highlights the systemic nature of drought risks and shows its operationalization using the example of the 2022 drought in Europe.

The growing need to establish a global wastewater surveillance consortium for future pandemic preparedness

Recognizing the risk of pandemic and the importance of monitoring and data sharing, a new article highlights the importance of establishing a global wastewater surveillance consortium, particularly under the umbrella of an international organization such as WHO, to strengthen future pandemic preparedness.

Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2023

A new report provides insight into the investment and related new jobs required by the transition to a low-carbon economy. Current climate policy pledges and targets imply a rapid decline in greenhouse gas emissions but an implementation gap in adopting policies aligned with countries' mid-term Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies remains.

The Strategic Research Agenda for Copernicus Security Service 2023

A revised research agenda – led jointly by JRC and DEFIS - aims to facilitate the transition of research outcomes into operational applications, streamline European efforts to prevent redundancies, and promote European autonomy, industrial competitiveness, and leadership in utilizing space for security-related applications.

Decrypting the financial risks of climate change and biodiversity loss

Uncovering the intertwined nature of climate change, biodiversity loss and financial risk, this JRC / ESRB's research paves the way for sustainable and resilient economic strategies.

The link between disaster displacement and migration intentions

A new report confirms the established finding that the connections between environmental factors and human mobility patterns at various spatial scales are complex and context specific. It suggests that in less-developed regions an expectation of higher risks of future environmental disasters leads to a lower individual desire to migrate internationally.

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