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Announcement from the
Disaster Risk Management
Knowledge Centre

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A building block of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network's Science Pillar

Join us at the 7th DRMKC Annual Seminar – registrations close on 31 October

Scheduled for November 21, 2023, at the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels, this seminar is designed to create a science-based atmosphere to enhance resilience against disasters and climate impacts. 

"Moving Knowledge into Action: A Roadmap to Disaster Resilience" represents the conference’s commitment to supporting a transition from alarming disaster narratives to a dynamic ecosystem of solutions, strategies, and actionable knowledge that will be instrumental in advancing the EU’s resilience agenda, including the Union Disaster Resilience Goals. 


Engage, explore, empower

  • Opening talks: We’ll start with some big-picture talks about how the EU can get better at taking disaster resilience forward and what role science can play.
  • Panel discussions: Experts will have an exchange about assessing disaster risks and vulnerabilities. It’s all about getting ready for cascading effects, multi-hazard and unexpected risks and making sure we’re prepared.
  • Workshops: Roll up your sleeves for interactive sessions on communicating risks, early warning systems, and governance for disaster risk management. 


Why attend?

We’re gathering experts, leaders, and thinkers like you to talk about big ideas and practical steps to boost Europe’s ability to handle disasters and climate change. We’ll share, learn, and plan together. 

Your ideas and experience can help shape a safer future for all of us in the EU. Plus, it’s a great chance to meet other people who are just as passionate and dedicated to these topics as you are. 

Register now 

Seize this opportunity to be at the forefront of a resilient future. With limited in-person seats, we recommend that you register while there are still places and before 31 October, when registrations will close. For those who can’t make it in person, you can watch the web streaming. Make sure to save the link to your agenda so you don’t miss it! 

For inquiries, reach out to our dedicated team at


Other opportunities to interact before and after the conference 

On the 8th of November, join the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network online forerunner event focusing on cascading climate risks. This precursor to the main event will host CASCADES and CLIMAAX, two Horizon projects, unveiling their case studies and methodologies. Dive deep into these insights and prepare for a comprehensive learning experience. 


The learning journey extends beyond the annual seminar. On the 22nd of November, join the Wildfire Risk Management Project Clustering Event 2023 at the same venue. Organised by the European Research Executive Agency (REA), Firelogue project, and in collaboration with the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network, this event promises an exchange of project activities, joint visions, and collaboration options, bridging the gap between science, policy, and practice dedicated to wildfire.


Contact us: DRMKC
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