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News from the Commission's Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre

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Reaching a common understanding of Risk Management
Taking advantage of existing knowledge and technologies
Identifying opportunities for future sustainable development
Bringing Commission closer to our Member States
Commission reaching out beyond its borders
New DRM outputs from the community
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Open positions in DRM
Learning Opportunities
For the agenda

Dear DRMKC subscriber,

We are at the beginning of a new year, after one which made us clear –once again- that the time to act for Disaster Risk Reduction is now. The second worse season of forest fires in Europe, the floods in Central Europe sadly confirmed the messages of the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and anticipated the conclusions of the COP26: there is no more time, irreversible climate change is already occurring, we can only mitigate it.

DRMKC is already moving in this direction: climate change and its impact was a central topic of the fifth DRMKC Annual Seminar in November 2021 and is at the core of all our plans for 2022 and beyond it. In this issue of the DRMKC newsletter you will find a summary of DRM achievements in the last quarter of 2021, as well as info on the ongoing research, operational tools, and planned actions to better understand and deal with the climate change process from multiple stand points.

DRMKC has been very active in 2021 and achieved results on all its three main activity lines: new knowledge production, nurturing partnerships and pursuing innovative solutions for DRM. Way less than this would have been possible without the close collaboration among all the relevant Commission services, which we thank for the sustained engagement and contribution.

From this issue, we decided to share the updates on DRM science ordering them under the main objectives of the DRMKC plan of action for 2022, i.e.

- Reaching a common understanding of risk management
- Taking advantage of existing knowledge and technologies
- Identifying opportunities for future sustainable development
- Bringing Commission closer to our Member States
- Commission reaching out beyond its boarders

Looking forward, we are guided by the “Joint Declaration identifying key legislative priorities for 2022” of the leaders of the EU institutions one the one side, and by the reflections received from Member States and other partners of DRMKC about the emerging DRM needs and the expectations from the Science Pillar of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network. The inception of a lively and useful Science Pillar will be the focus for DRMKC in 2022, aiming at integrating the immense value added of the scientific knowledge of Member States.

Reaching a common understanding of Risk Management
Outcomes of the 5th DRMKC annual Seminar - Towards the science pillar of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network

On 17-18 November 2021 the 5th Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC) Annual Seminar took place, after two years of break caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This year’s seminar confirmed the place of the DRMKC as the core of the Science Pillar of the newly established Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network. Here we report about the outcomes of the seminar.

Impacts of Natural Hazards and Climate Change on EU Security and Defence

Natural hazards and climate change can negatively affect military installations, military assets, supplies and operations and are a growing concern to European Union (EU) security and defence. Discover why and how in this recent JRC technical report.

DRMKC at the European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction, EFDRR 2021

The 2021-2030 EFDRR RoadMap was adopted at the EFDRR 2021. See how the Commission contributed to the debate!

Scientific Opinion on Strategic Crisis Management for the EU

Key recommendations by the European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors on how to enhance crisis preparedness, more integrated and timely response capacity, and resilient recovery for the EU are expected within the second quarter of this year. . Read about the ongoing work!

Taking advantage of existing knowledge and technologies
The Copernicus Emergency Management Service - CEMS Week 2021

In October 2021, JRC organized the “CEMS days”, engaging the space and disaster community from Member States and beyond in a discussion about the future of the Copernicus service and of its user community. Read about the findings emerged, which will inform the Copernicus Horizon 2035 colloquium of this week.

European Environmental Agency (EEA) web report "Europe’s changing climate hazards" and European Climate Data Explorer

Discover the new interactive EEA report that summarizes past trends and projected changes in key climate hazards for Europe, based on the European Climate Data Explorer co-developed with Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

The 2021 Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources (EIOS) Global Technical Meeting (GTM): Together for Zero Impact from Health Threats

The 2021 EIOS GTM gathered hundreds of multidisciplinary experts around pertinent topics of Public Health Intelligence. Meeting virtually from 6-10 December 2021, the global community discussed their experience with COVID-19, how to better connect and derive insights from data, as well as issues around capacity building and the future of collaboration.

The EU Copernicus Climate Change Service’s released its annual findings for 2021

The new data from the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) show that the last seven years globally were the seven warmest on record by a clear margin.

Identifying opportunities for future sustainable development
Measuring climate resilience: INFORM Climate Change Risk

With continued global warming induced by enhanced greenhouse gas concentrations, extreme weather and climate related risks are becoming increasingly amplified. Assessing future vulnerability and risk of humanitarian crises using climate change and population projections within the INFORM framework: new publication is out!

CoastWAVE project: ‘Strengthening the Resilience of Coastal Communities in the Northeast Atlantic, Mediterranean Region and connected seas to the Impact of Tsunamis and Other Sea Level-Related Coastal Hazards’

A new project has been launched by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO and the European Union Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) to continue and expand the work of the Tsunami Last Mile projects performed over the last 4 years.

Workshop of the French Presidency on the “Impact of climate change on European civil protection” 1st & 2nd February 2022, Paris (France).

The year 2021 was characterized by the record number of 114 activations of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, breaking the previous record set in 2020 (102). The solidarity of the Member States made it possible to avoid the worst however, a threshold has been crossed. Moreover, the outlook for the effects of climate change is not encouraging: Europe is warming up faster than any other region in the world. Find out about the outcomes of the workshop, in terms of collective reflections about the European response to climate change.

Bringing Commission closer to our Member States
The Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network Day, 7 December 2021

The Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network was officially launched on 7 December 2021. The “Knowledge Network Day” brought together civil protection and disaster management policy makers, scientists, and practitioners to exchange their experiences and knowledge.

Disaster resilience theme for the 70th Anniversary of ITC (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente).

From the 26th till the 29th of October 2021 the 70th anniversary was celebrated with research seminars, invited speakers and a diverse range of activities. An exciting mix of live and online sessions was planned to discuss the topic of disaster resilience.

Annual SafeGreece Conference on "New Technologies & Civil Protection" 24-26 November 2021 Event

The constant objective of Safe Greece is to introduce and utilize new technologies for the benefit of Civil Protection at international, national, regional and local levels.

Commission reaching out beyond its borders
EC-JRC support to EU emergency assistance for Tonga

The Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai underwater volcano in Tonga erupted violently on 15 January 2022 after a period of volcanic activity emitting ash. As one of the biggest eruptions in its history, it also generated a tsunami. EU, supported with its operational scientific tools, played a critical role in delivering the necessary humanitarian assistance.

International Urban and Regional Cooperation – IURC Annual Event

The first IURC Annual Event provided the chance to deep dive into the European priorities for cities and regions and to connect with participants from the Americas on 23rd November and with the China, Asia and Australasia counterparts on 24th November.

Report at the Council of Canada Academies (CCA) on disaster resilience

According to a new expert panel report from the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA), bridging disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation practices is crucial to reducing exposure and vulnerability to disasters and bolstering public safety in a changing climate.

New DRM outputs from the community
New datasets published since the last quarter of 2021
New reports & publications since the last quarter of 2021

A lot more in “Scientific output” section of DRMKC website!

If you wish to share your new reports & publications here, get in touch with us (

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Open positions in DRM

Check the current opportunities at this link:

Learning Opportunities
For the agenda
International Ocean Data Conference 2022
permalink Main URL
date 14/02/2022 - 16/02/2022
Copernicus Horizon 2035 colloquium
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date 16/02/2022 - 17/02/2022
JOIFF Industrial Emergency Management Conference 2022
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date 01/03/2022 - 02/03/2022
European Humanitarian Forum
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date 21/03/2022 - 23/03/2022
World Water Day
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date 22/03/2022
Continued, Enhanced Ocean Altimetry & Climate Monitoring from Space
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date 21/03/2022 - 25/03/2022
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date 23/04/2022 - 25/04/2022
EGU 2022 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly
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date 03/04/2022 - 08/04/2022
Science advice under pressure, a conference by the European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism
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date 27/04/2022 - 28/04/2022
New York High Level UN event on mid-term Urban Agenda review
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date 28/04/2022
Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week
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date 02/05/2022 - 20/05/2022
Living Planet Symposium
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date 23/05/2022 - 27/05/2022
Global Platform for DRR (Bali)
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date 23/05/2022 - 28/05/2022
Contact us: DRMKC
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