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News from the Commission's Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre

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In this issue

Dear DRMKC subscriber,

After a summer of disasters in Europe, we are now getting ready for the COP26 meeting in Glasgow, at beginning of November, which many believe is the world's best and last chance to bring the devastating consequences of climate change under control (see IPCC report).

We already followed the pre-COP 26 meeting of governments in Milan, accompanied for the first time by Youth4Climate, a youth event from which a series of proposals emerged. The meeting in Milan made clear that the ecological transition requires different timescales and methods for each of the almost two hundred countries on the planet and there is not yet agreement among them all in how to tackle the challenges at stake.

Other important events are on the agenda of this intense Autumn: on the 17-18 November we will have the fifth annual seminar of the Commission’s Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre, and the European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction will follow soon after, on 24-26 November.

What has the Commission done in the last 3 months to cope with the occurring emergencies and get ready for the upcoming events? In this newsletter DRMKC present you with a selection of activities, from different policy directorate generals, all converging toward the common objective, to improve our preparedness and our resilience to manage risks.

This newsletter is being published in the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, which is an opportunity to acknowledge the progress being made toward reducing disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods and health. The 2021 edition focuses on “International cooperation for developing countries to reduce their disaster risk and disaster losses”.

The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) forecasts, notifies and monitors devastating floods in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland

When did the flood forecasts by the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service indicate a high probability of flooding in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland? How many flood monitoring maps were produced by the Rapid Mapping component of CEMS?

European Commission adopts new EU Forest Strategy for 2030

To achieve greenhouse gas emission reductions of at least 55% by 2030 and climate neutrality in 2050 in the EU, the Forest Strategy (adopted on 16 July 2021) sets a vision and concrete actions for increasing the quantity and quality of forests in the EU and strengthening their protection, restoration and resilience.

Strengthening the Synergies between Agriculture and Flood Risk Management in the European Union

In 2020 a survey and concept note on agriculture and flood risk management in the EU was developed by the European Commission and shared with the Common Implementation Strategy’s Working Group on Floods. Twenty two replies were received. A draft report was developed based on these replies as well as the available literature.

A summer of disasters: DRMKC support to EU’s crisis response

The EU has state of the art early warning and monitoring tools to support the European Civil Protection Mechanism and External Action. The summer of 2021 was particularly intense for floods, wildfires, earthquakes and conflict. This is the story of how EU scientists go the extra mile to deliver satellite data, modelling forecasts and open source information to support the EU’s crisis response.

Current Practice in Flood Risk Management in the EU

In 2019, the Commission launched a study on ‘Current Practice in Flood Risk Management’ which looked at practices that Member States currently have to deal with flood risk management. This study has now been completed and a final report has been drafted. The report focuses on particular aspects identified by the Member States as being challenging to tackle.

100th activation of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service, Risk and Recovery Mapping (CEMS RRM), 3 August

With the activation for La Rioja region, in Spain, our CEMS Risk & Recovery Mapping module has passed the 100th activation marker. Read how its products support Disaster Risk Reduction, preparedness & reconstruction activities.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Space-based Applications - CERIS workshop (15 September 2021)

Besides modelling and impact forecasting tools available to date, space-based applications have a strong role to play in DRR. To clarify and facilitate interactions among the DRR and spatial communities, DG HOME will organised a workshop in the framework of the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS).

DRM seminars from Coventry University based on JRC flagship report “Science for disaster risk management 2020: acting today, protecting tomorrow"

Using online seminars and collaborative online international learning models to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience: a series of 12 online, open-access Disaster Risk Management Training seminars.

WMO Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes (1970-2019)

Water-related hazards dominate the list of disasters in terms of both the human and economic toll over the past 50 years, according to a comprehensive analysis by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Is climate change really happening? Learning from the past to look into the future (29 Sept 2021)

JRC contributed to the pre-cop26 All4Climate initiative with an Ask-a-Scientist event to inform and discuss the science behind climate change with the civil society, interested citizens, and young activists.

Hands on training sessions on economics for disaster prevention and preparedness

A short training course organized by DG ECHO on “Economics for Prevention & Preparedness”. It is a follow up to the study done with the World Bank, a breakdown of the reports (Investment in DRM in Europe, Financial Risk and Opportunities to Build Resilience in Europe) into a digestible format, targeting DRM practitioners, from both EC and the Member States.

INFORM Risk Index 2022 official release is OUT

INFORM Risk has been the first global open-source tool for understanding the risk of humanitarian crisis and disasters. It has become a global reference for multihazard risk assessment. With us since 2014, now with a new way to access country profiles.

Industrial accidents: Commission report shows improvement in preventing major accidents involving dangerous substances

On 29 September the European Commission published a report on the implementation and efficient functioning of Directive 2012/18/EU on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances (the Seveso III Directive). The outcomes revealed some good news...

A Crisis Management Dashboard for the European Commission

Commission services committed to design and develop a common Dashboard to improve foresight, risk assessment, monitoring and early detection; prevention and preparedness, incl. resilience; and crisis response.

Read also
Knowledge Network Newsletter available in the ECHO website
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UNDRR/ISC Hazard Information Profiles Supplement
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Causes, impacts and patterns of disastrous river floods
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JRC paper on the increase in oxygen-related fires in hospitals in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic
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WMO: The Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes (1970-2019)
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Increasing stress on disaster-risk finance due to large floods | Nature Climate Change
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Probabilistic tsunami forecasting for early warning
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Open positions in DRM
Selection of current opportunities
Calls for Papers/Contributions
DRMKC call for contribution to its fifth annual seminar
Deadline 15 October
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Call for Papers for a Special Issue in Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management
Deadline 15 November
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Learning Opportunities
DG ECHO/World Bank - Training course

Economics for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness - 1, 8 and 15 October 2021


Disaster Risk Management Training Seminars

GFP Global Flood Partnerships

Working with the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC) and the CONRIS network...

Disaster Competence Network Austria – Disaster Research Days 2021

How to translate knowledge into action for prevention, preparedness, response and recovery activities?

For the agenda
EU Week of Cities and Regions (REGIO)
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date 11/10/2021 - 14/10/2021
Disaster Research Days 2021, webinar series (DCNA Austria)
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date 12/10/2021 - 21/10/2021
World Disaster Reduction Day
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date 13/10/2021
CEMS Days: annual meeting of Copernicus Emergency Management Service
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date 25/10/2021 - 29/10/2021
COP 26 - UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021
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date 01/11/2021 - 12/11/2021
See also
World Tsunami Awareness Day
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date 05/11/2021
Satellite applications for public safety – online workshop
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date 09/11/2021
DRMKC Annual Seminar
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date 17/11/2021 - 18/11/2021
2021 EU Conference on modelling for policy support
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date 22/11/2021 - 26/11/2021
See also
European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR) 2021
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date 24/11/2021 - 26/11/2021
See also
PSCE Conference in Brussels 2021
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date 30/11/2021 - 01/12/2021
See also
Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network Day
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date 07/12/2021
See also
Contact us: DRMKC
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