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  04 September 2019  
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Webinar on CPEV - International development and future plans of the Core Public Event Vocabulary

The Semantic Interoperability Community (SEMIC) action of the ISA2 programme invites you to its webinar on “The Core Public Event Vocabulary – International development and future plans” taking place on the 24 September 2019 10:00-11:30 CEST (GMT+2).

The Core Public Event Vocabulary (CPEV) provides a common data model for describing public events such as conferences, summits, etc. in the European Union. The CPEV is developed as part of the e-Government Core Vocabularies solution under the ISA² Programme.

In practice, the CPEV facilitates the exchange of information between organisations regarding public events.

The webinar will present the latest state-of-play of the CPEV and gives an outlook on planned developments. From a user point-of-view, you will discover how the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) is modelling public events and how it brings value to Italian public administrations. Moreover, you will explore initiatives on the development of public events data models, taken by public administrations outside of Europe such as Japan.

Designed in an interactive way, the webinar gives you the opportunity to ask your questions and to discuss with our public events data model experts!

The agenda and practical details will be available soon on the dedicated event page on Joinup.

How to register?

Please sign up for the webinar by Friday 20 September 12:00pm. You will receive the webinar connection details upon your registration.

Want to know more about the SEMIC action and solutions?

Check out the SEMIC action page on the ISA2 website and visit our SEMIC community on Joinup!

Explore our e-Government Core Vocabularies.

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