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This is a dedicated space for sharing tools and guidance aiming at evaluating and rationalising interoperability solutions for public administrations. Currently, the Cartography page includes the TES Cartography and the European Interoperability Cartography.

Interoperability Maturity Assessment of a Public Service

Interoperability is of strategic importance to be able to transform governments & reap societal benefits: enabling trusted information exchange, achieving seamless service delivery across sectors borders, reaping cost savings by sharing and reusing solutions.

Labour Market Interoperability

The Labour Market Interoperability collection provides solutions and specifications to increase semantic and syntactic interoperability in the European Labour Market (ESCO, Europass, and others).

Research Data Analysis

The recent European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) declaration has highlighted the importance of FAIR principles for research data and the leading role that the European Union wants to play in this field. The declaration highlighted the need for a minimal set of interoperable research data standards.

Guidelines for the Use of Code Lists

This report aims to provide practical guidance to less experienced organisations on the use of code lists. The SEMIC action has previously delivered extensive work in and around the development, maintenance, management, and governance of data specifications.

Big Data Interoperability Analysis

The purpose of this report is to analyse interoperability challenges in a big data environment, focusing on the requirements for data analytics across different publishers and across domains.

The role of eGovernment and Interoperability in the European Semester process

Increasing transparency, efficiency, and accountability in public administrations is crucial for the future prosperity of Europe. Member States must ensure an improved administrative capacity and a focus on the increased use of digital tools, in order to achieve their development goals and fulfil Europe’s digital potential.

LEOS Drafting tool - Getting started

This presentation is a short introduction to LEOS, Open Source Software created by LegIT - 2016.38 Legislation Interoperability Tools ISA2 Action. In this presentation you can find the description of the problem LEOS is addressing and what is proposed solution, the features of LEOS and how it works and the current status.

Ireland’s eGOV strategy and PEPPOL membership: more modern and more European

Ireland is adopting initiatives to cover its Interoperability gap assessed in the last NIFO factsheet (dated 2016) and to realign with the most advanced European Countries on this theme. The last action is the sign up of Ireland in the PEPPOL community, a step that is coherent with the recent reform of eGovernment strategy towards 2020. This strategy aims to put Ireland as example in eGovernment services and confirms the Government’s support for the underlying principles of the EU eGovernment Action Plan.

Updated Metadata Governance Tools Report

This document builds on previous work carried out under the SEMIC action focusing on the governance and management of data models, as well as tools for managing data models. While the findings of the report could apply to almost any organisation, the analysis considers public administration representatives as its main stakeholders. The content provides guidance to owners and publishers of code lists on the selection of an appropriate tool for code list management, depending on their needs or the requirements of their organisations. The report also provides an overview of the main features such a tool should provide.

SAT for e-Procurement

A Solution Architecture Template (SAT) is a specification extending the EIRA providing support to solution architects in a specific solution domain. A SAT contains a motivation (principles, requirements), a goal and a description of the supported functionalities, a sub-set of the EIRA core Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs) covering the four views, a set of specific ABBs extending EIRA's views enabling specific functionalities to be provided by implementations derived from the SAT and the interoperability specifications of selected ABBs and a narrative for each EIRA view.

PaaSword H2020 Project

The H2020 PaaSword project shares five separate datasets for possible experimentation from security by design cloud applications. These have been selected to cover a variety of business and public ecosystems with different characteristics, thus, announcing the general applicability of the project results.3

BioAPI C++

This software package provides an Object Oriented BioAPI using C++ 11 language. The API has been implemented according to ISO/IEC 30106-1 and -4 standards. All interfaces needed for developing biometric applications, conforming to OOBioAPI, have been defined in this reference implementation.


The EU-FOSSA community pages provide information on the status and results of EU-Free and Open Source Software Auditing project. EU-FOSSA will offer a systematic approach for the EU institutions to ensure that widely used critical software can be trusted. The project will help reinforcing the contribution of EU institutions to ensure and maintain integrity and security of key open source software.

DCAT-AP issues: submission guidelines

Any problems encountered, or suggestions for new functionalities can be submitted as issues on the DCAT-AP repository on GitHub. Submitters of issues need to register for a free user account by clicking “Sign up for GitHub” on the GitHub start page.