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You don’t need to be an expert data scientist to use IPCHEM data packages: new tools to support IPCHEM users

Our IPCHEM users retrieve data from IPCHEM for addressing many different questions. This may involve the need for data on multiple chemicals, multiple media or locations. An open source R software library was specifically designed to help our users to explore, filter and retrieve the data they need from IPCHEM.

date:  03/05/2024

Have you ever wondered how you can easily get data for your specific question from IPCHEM? Did you have difficulties in using the part of the information that is not harmonised in IPCHEM but included as provided by the data provider?

We have developed a specific R software library that will make your life easier. You don’t need to be an expert data scientist to use the tools we prepared for you.

You will find the open source R software library on with a Wiki space explaining its features and how to use them.

You will find the code that you can simply use in R to:

  •        Retrieve lists of Chemicals (given a list of media, locations, periods)
  •        Retrieve lists of Datasets (given a list of chemicals)
  •        Retrieve Dataset's Metadata information (given the dataset code)
  •        Retrieve lists of Data Packages (given the dataset code, media, location, period, etc.)
  •        Retrieve content of Data Package(s) (given the data packages GUIDs)
  •        Retrieve data record SOURCE DATA fields (given the list of JSON field names)

The IPCHEM team is happy to receive your feedback and to work with you on the open source software ( Soon we will also release the Python version of this library, for users that prefer this programming language.

Stay tuned!