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Did you notice the IPCHEM data packages?

There are new helpful ways to get to the data of your interest.

date:  23/02/2024

IPCHEM is continuously growing. Thanks to close collaboration with our data providers, we managed to include more than 600 million concentration measurements. 

The ever-increasing amount of data poses also a challenge and requires some adaptations to the way we handle data in IPCHEM, so that we can guarantee a responsive system for our users. 

You can continue to use the usual single substance search and identify the data you are interested in. On top, you have the option to select pre-made data packages organised by the most important parameters: by chemical, medium, year. 

These packages can be accessed for each dataset through the metadata tab “data packages” [1] (see illustration). You can either download single packages [2] or go for the option of cumulative packages [3] at the bottom of the page which allows you to download all packages for the specific dataset. In order to understand which packages are available, you can use the “download package summary” [4] for an overview of how the dataset is split. 


The IPCHEM team is currently developing R and Python software components that will facilitate the programmatic retrieval of data packages for their offline processing. 

Stay tuned! 


screenshot data packages
(173 KB - PNG)