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Now available: Workshop report "IPCHEM supporting the assessment of chemical mixtures"

A summary report presenting the main findings and follow up actions emerging from the workshop "IPCHEM supporting the assessment of chemical mixtures" (JRC, December 2017) is now available

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date:  10/10/2018

In December 2017, JRC held the workshop “IPCHEM supporting the assessment of chemical mixtures” in Ispra (Italy) in order to promote synergies between the European Commission’s Information Platform for Chemical Monitoring (IPCHEM) and relevant ongoing FP7 and Horizon2020 Research projects dealing with chemical mixtures (EDC Mix Risk, EuroMix, HBM4EU, SOLUTIONS).

A summary report presenting the main findings and follow up actions emerging from the workshop is now available:

Download the Final Report

Download the Thought Starter (Annex of the report)

The recommendations and reflections from the workshop participants will be used as the basis for planning the enhancement and further development of IPCHEM’s tools and functionalities, with the specific aim of ensuring that IPCHEM can serve as reference tool for Mixture Risk Assessment (MRA) practices.


The aim of the workshop was to discuss how IPCHEM can better support the assessment of chemical mixtures by providing relevant chemical monitoring data and by ensuring IPCHEM’s interoperability with other tools being developed for the risk assessment of single and combined exposures to chemicals. The workshop gave the opportunity to present and discuss the most recent enhancements and tools of IPCHEM and to gather requirements for revising and extending IPCHEM’s functionalities and tools to best meet the needs of the IPCHEM “community” of users interested/working on risk assessment of combination effects of chemicals.

The workshop was attended by representatives of the above-mentioned H2020 projects, representatives of the European Commission (DG ENV and DG RTD) and European Agencies (EFSA, ECHA and EEA), being IPCHEM partners and involved in projects, activities and initiatives on chemical mixtures.