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date:  27/05/2024


Val Duchesse Summit

At the Val Duchesse Social Partners Summit in January 2024, the European Commission, the Belgian Presidency and European social partners signed a ‘Tripartite Declaration for a Thriving European Social Dialogue’. During the summit, these stakeholders addressed relevant topics such as labour and skill shortages, and the reinforcement of a social dialogue.

A joint press release with quotes from President von der Leyen and Belgian Prime Minister De Croo was published. The President’s speech was also made publicly available.

Find more information about the Summit here.



New EU rural toolkit

In order to sustain the provision of essential services such as food, housing, employment and more across EU’s rural areas, the Commission has launched a Rural toolkit. This tool enables easier access to information on various EU funding opportunities for local authorities, regions, businesses and individuals, empowering them to take advantage of EU initiatives to improve the quality of life in their territories. Quality of life is seen as a major push and pull factor when looking at talent attraction and retention.

Read more about the toolkit.



Skills and labour shortages in the EU: an action plan

Facing significant challenges due to shortages in skills and labour, the EU has created a detailed action plan.

The action plan has been also a key deliverable of the European Year of Skills. The EU has closed the European Year of Skills with a large conference in April 2024, in which further steps were discussed by relevant stakeholders.

Find more about what comes next after the European Year of Skills.



"Youth for Reviving Stagnating EU Territories.": Inforegio - Toolkit Youth 4 Reviving (stagnating) EU territories (

How can regions tackle the "brain drain"? What is the perspective of young people in the affected regions? Over one year, four colleagues from the Commission's Junior Professionals Programme (JPP) researched these questions and produced a toolkit with recommendations for regional and local authorities. 



Policy updates

CoR opinion on affordable and sustainable housing

On the 9th of February Committee of Regions adopted an opinion on affordable and sustainable housing. It aims to establish a structured dialogue on the issue and to provide more support for local and regional governments' efforts to provide affordable and sustainable housing. Affordable and sustainable housing can contribute directly to the attraction and retention of regional talent

Find more about the opinion here.




Publication of the 9th Cohesion Report

Despite improvements in some areas, ongoing challenges including demographic shifts, digitalisation, and climate change, are fuelling regional inequalities as well as talent attraction and retention challenges. Therefore, it is essential to strengthen economic cohesion, a core principle since the Union's inception, which remains vital amid the EU's development.

The publication of the 9th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion, also known as the 9th Cohesion Report, is crucial for the evaluation of the state of cohesion within the EU. Cohesion policies have notably contributed to enhancing economic, employment, and social indicators across the EU.

Read more here.



Latest high-level expert report on EU Cohesion

Don’t miss out on “Forging a Sustainable Future Together”, the latest report spotlighting the crucial role of the cohesion policy in the EU. For over three decades, this policy has driven social and economic progress by directing investments to regions facing developmental hurdles, including talent development issues. As the EU faces new challenges, cohesion Policy must evolve to address evolving structural issues and enhance the well-being of all Europeans. Read the report to ways to maximise the effectiveness and impact of cohesion policy in the future.

Read the report here.