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Regional policy-related events - Content

date:  24/05/2024

You are invited to take a look at past and upcoming regional policy related events that might be of interest for you.

Relevant past events


You missed the Harnessing Talent Platform launch event in November? Here are all the highlights for you!

This event, hosted by the Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), brought together on site around 120 key stakeholders from European, national, regional and local levels. An additional 300 people followed the event online.

The event was opened by Dubravka Suica, the European Commission Vice President for Democracy and Demography, and Elisa Ferreira, the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms. The launch featured a high-level debate between representatives from DG REGIO, the European Parliament and representatives from different Member States as well as two panel sessions on the territorial dimensions of demographic challenges as well as socio-economic policies for harnessing talent. Finally, the event featured an info session on the 8 pillars of the Talent Booster Mechanism before Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights as well as Peter Berkowitz, Director for Policy, DG REGIO closed the event.

You can read more about the event here.

Watch the recording of the plenary session.

See all photos from the event on the official REGIO Flickr account.



You missed the 9th Cohesion Forum? Here is the recap for you!

This event, organised on 11 and 12 of April by DG REGIO, aimed to connect relevant stakeholders from regions all across Europe and celebrate interregional cooperation. In the forum, different personalities reflected on the importance of the EU cohesion policies.

Find more about the Cohesion Forum here.

Watch the recording of the forum.



Did you know about the Technical Support Instrument (Pillar 3) annual conference? Check the rundown!

The recently concluded two-day TSI Annual Conference, held on 24 and 25 April, hosted by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira, brought together inspirational speakers and panellists from EU member states, EU institutions, fellow organisations and academia personnel. Commemorating the 5th Cycle of the TSI, the conference marked the official launch of the 5th TSI 2025 Cycle, revealing its priorities for the year ahead.

Find more information and the recordings here!



Launch of the 2024 edition of the EU regional Social Progress Index

On 23 May 2024, the European Commission launched the 2024 edition of the EU regional Social Progress Index (EU-SPI), with a hybrid event hosted by the Committee of the Regions.

This is the third time the European Commission published the EU regional Social Progress Index, a composite indicator aiming at complementing GDP with socioeconomic and environmental indicators that accounts explicitly and in detail for aspects that are crucial for well-being, like environmental sustainability, poverty, or inclusivity. The EU-SPI has been developed in cooperation with the Joint Research Centre to explore the regional dimension of welfare in a broad sense. The link to the web streaming is available here.