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Issue #20 - June

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EU Growth EU Growth | EU Business EU Business | Cssr Thierry Breton Commissioner Thierry Breton | DG Kerstin Jorna DG Kerstin Jorna


EU secures access to a more diversified, affordable, and sustainable supply of critical raw materials

Exciting developments are underway as the Critical Raw Materials Act officially enters into force, marking a significant step towards enhancing EU resilience and autonomy. The inaugural Critical Raw Materials Board meeting convened with key stakeholders, setting the stage for impactful decision-making and strategic planning. With this momentum, the call for Strategic Projects Applications has now been opened, inviting innovative proposals that align with the Act's mission. These projects are expected to drive transformative growth across critical sectors within the EU. 


Today, with the entry into force of the Critical Raw Materials Act, Europe starts a new industrial chapter. In a volatile geopolitical context, Europe is accelerating its efforts, domestically and in partnership with third countries, to achieve a secured, abundant and sustainable supply of raw materials vital for our climate, digital, defence and security needs. I have full confidence that the implementation of the Critical Raw Materials Act is on the right track, to quickly identify and support strategic projects, facilitate demand aggregation and increase the number of skilled workers in our new industrial projects in mining, refining and recycling of critical raw materials. Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market

See also Questions and Answers on the Critical Ra...

EU and Australia sign partnership on sustainable critical and strategic minerals

The EU has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Australia to establish a bilateral partnership on sustainable critical and strategic minerals. This MoU provides a framework to build secure and sustainable value chains between the EU and Australia, supporting clean energy, digital transitions, and key industrial sectors such as defense and aerospace. The partnership aims to diversify EU supplies and boost Australia's domestic critical minerals sector. Covering the entire value chain - from exploration to recycling - it will also explore cooperation in countries of mutual interest, focusing on reducing environmental impacts and benefiting local communities. Additionally, it promotes innovative technologies for mining and other projects along the value chain. This MoU extends the EU's network of strategic partnerships on critical raw materials to 13.

See also LinkedIn post by GROW DG Kerstin Jorna

European Battery Alliance discusses new action plan, reflecting the current geopolitical context

On May 24, the 8th High-Level Meeting of the European Battery Alliance in Brussels reviewed the achievements of the 2018 Battery Action Plan. The discussion put forward that overall, the goals of the 2018 Battery Action Plan have been reached, thanks to the commitment of all relevant stakeholders and the efforts of the European Battery Alliance in structuring the European Battery ecosystem. This has helped reach 30 gigafactory projects, with a total manufacturing capacity of 167 GWh installed in 2023. However, challenges such as increased international competition, volatile raw material prices, and high energy costs were acknowledged. Urgent actions were called for to maintain the EU’s leadership in innovation, sustainability, and competitiveness, emphasizing fair competition, enhanced partnerships, regulatory support for sustainability, and bolstered research and skills development.


The EU's Net-Zero Industry Act is now officially adopted!

On 27 May, the EU has officially adopted the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA), a crucial step to enhance domestic manufacturing of key clean technologies. This act creates a unified, predictable business environment, boosting the EU’s industrial competitiveness and supporting quality job creation and a skilled workforce. President Ursula von der Leyen emphasised the Act’s role in scaling up clean tech manufacturing, crucial for reaching net-zero by 2050. NZIA aims for the EU to meet 40% of its annual deployment needs for net-zero technologies by 2030, while also setting targets for carbon capture and storage. The regulation simplifies investment conditions, accelerates permitting procedures, and establishes Net-Zero Acceleration Valleys to facilitate industrial clusters. Additionally, Net-Zero Industry Academies will train 100,000 workers within three years, ensuring a skilled workforce for the growing sector.


With the Net Zero industry Act, the EU aims to lead in the booming clean tech market – for the sake of our climate neutrality, but also for European competitiveness, jobs, energy security, and economic and political resilience. The NZIA sets ambitious objectives to multiply our clean tech manufacturing capacity by 2030. Because without industrial production, we risk becoming net importers, losing jobs, and re-creating dependencies that we do not wish to reproduce after the Russian gas experience. The strategy was the easy part – what matters now is implementation and results on the ground. And I am confident, based on my on-site visits across European regions and discussions with Member States, financial institutions and industry, that Europe is ready to attract and accelerate investment. The Commission is determined to offer all support to make NZIA a success story. Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market

See also Questions and Answers on the Net-Zero In...

Enhancing grid preparedness for the e-mobility Transition

On 12 June, Commissioner Thierry Breton led a roundtable on preparing electricity grids for the increasing demand for electric vehicles. The discussion included representatives from the automotive supply chain, grid operators, and Member States. Commissioner Breton emphasised the need for cooperation between energy and mobility sectors to ensure grid stability and support the EU’s decarbonisation goals. With electric vehicles expected to account for 10% of electricity demand by 2050, the EU aims to meet these needs with robust infrastructure and regulatory measures.


The Advanced Manufacturing conference highlighted industry’s desire for a European competitiveness toolbox

The Advanced Manufacturing Industry Conference brought together policymakers, corporate leaders, academics, and institutional representatives to tackle the challenges and opportunities in advanced manufacturing across Europe and beyond. Held on 16 April, the event highlighted key takeaways for both policymakers and industry leaders, driven by the collective expertise of over 200 participants, both online and in person. Discover more insights here, and watch the conference takeaways to stay informed.

document Advanced manufacturing study  (2.44 MB)

Single Market

Enrico Letta urges radical EU Single Market shake-up in key report – Euronews interview

Don't miss the latest episode of Business Planet exploring proposals by former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta to modernise the Single Market. Among other ideas, this episode dives into the potential impacts and benefits of a 5th freedom - encompassing research, education and innovation - for businesses and consumers across Europe. Tune in now for the episode, as well as the full interview with Enrico Letta. Watch the full episode here.

document 'Much more than a Market' - En...  (1.20 MB)

The Unitary Patent System celebrates successful first year

In its first year, the Unitary Patent system registered over 27,000 unitary patents, with nearly one in four European patents applying across all participating Member States. The uptake is highest in Denmark and Poland (50%), as well as Spain (40%). In terms of sector, medical technology leads with 31% of patents. In addition, about 350 cases have been initiated before the Unified Patent Court, which simplifies litigation for unitary and certain non-unitary patents. The system reduces costs and administrative burdens for companies, enhancing Europe's innovation and competitiveness. Romania is set to join as the 18th member soon.


EU's pivotal role in historic World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) treaty on intellectual property and genetic resources

On 24 May, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) adopted a historical treaty on intellectual property, genetic resources, and traditional knowledge. This landmark agreement introduces mandatory disclosure of patents based on genetic resources and traditional knowledge, enhancing transparency in the patent system. The treaty, supported by South American and African countries, highlights the importance of multilateralism in IP law. The European Union played a pivotal role in negotiating this balanced agreement. Further discussions on multilateral IP law will continue in November at a diplomatic conference on the design law treaty.

See also LinkedIn post by GROW DG Kerstin Jorna

European Semester Spring Package – Country-Specific Recommendations for European Competitiveness

On 19 June, the Commission adopted the European Semester Spring Package, focusing on improving the competitiveness of European economies. The 2024 Semester cycle integrates competitiveness drivers into GROW’s analysis, addressing issues like labour shortages, business environment, and digitalisation. The package's Country-Specific Recommendations (CSRs) aim to enhance long-term EU competitiveness, supported by the new Economic Governance framework. The next step is the Autumn Package, which will include the Annual Sustainable Growth Survey (ASGS). 

See also More information

New Union Testing Facility to enhance ecodesign and energy labelling testing capacity

On 27 May, the Commission designated a Union Testing Facility for ecodesign and energy labelling, enhancing testing capacity for national market surveillance authorities. This facility will ensure products on the market are safe and comply with EU legislation. Union testing facilities test products, develop standardised testing methods, and provide independent advice to national authorities. They also conduct training, organise workshops, and participate in expert groups. This initiative supports deeper cooperation across the EU, reducing testing costs and improving market surveillance effectiveness. More facilities in additional sectors are planned for the future.


Improving measurements of airborne noise from machinery used outdoors

In line with the Zero Pollution Action Plan, the Commission has adopted a delegated act to update the methods to measure airborne noise emitted by equipment used outdoors. The act will apply from 22 May 2025 and will allow for reliable up-to-date data to be gathered. This will help determine new noise limits for machines used outdoors, with the overall objective of limiting noise at source.

document OJ_L_202401208_EN_TXT  (1.52 MB)

Shaping the Renovation Wave for the Social and Affordable Housing: SHAPE EU Unveils Renovation Blueprints

Envisioning a brighter future for social and affordable housing in the EU, the SHAPE-EU project, funded by the SMP programme as part of the Affordable Housing Initiative, has unveiled innovative blueprints that empower local communities to revitalise housing districts. These plans combine industrial actors, including local SMEs, and resident engagement with cutting-edge solutions, promoting affordability, sustainability, and thriving communities.


The Single Market Tour – wrap up at a glance

The Single Market Tour started in September 2023. It celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Single Market and aims to engage citizens across the European Union. The Tour, which will conclude at the end of June 2024, is visiting 44 cities in 24 Member States. You can still visit it during the last two stops: in Liepaja (Latvia), and the final one in Klaipeda (Lithuania) on 29 and 30 June respectively. The full itinerary and photo gallery of the Single Market Tour are available here.


Access to finance

STEP: A brand-new Portal about funding opportunities for projects that contribute to the development of strategic technologies in the EU

Less than two months after the entry into force of the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP), the Commission has released the first version of the STEP Portal. The Portal maps funding opportunities for projects contributing to the development of strategic technologies in the EU, specifically in the digital and deep tech, clean tech, and biotech sectors. The Portal also provides companies with a comprehensive timeline of upcoming calls for proposals. Currently, it focuses on programs directly managed by the Commission with calls that were open at the launch of the Portal. Later in the year, projects awarded the STEP Seal by the Commission will also be showcased on the Portal. The STEP Seal is the EU quality label for high-quality projects contributing to the development or manufacturing of critical technologies and addressing shortages of labor and skills in the three STEP sectors. The Portal is open for feedback as it will be continuously improved and updated.


Is the InvestEU Programme right for your business? Watch the new video to find out!

Looking to boost your business and contribute to a greener, more innovative Europe? The EU's InvestEU Programme offers exciting opportunities! This initiative unlocks private and public investments for projects that align with key EU goals like sustainability, innovation, and job creation. Watch the new InvestEU video to see real examples and explore how InvestEU financing could help your company thrive in the years to come.


The Commission and the EIB Group pave the way for new €300 million export credit guarantee facility under InvestEU to support exports by European SMEs to Ukraine

On 21 June, the Commission, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF) set up a new €300 million export credit guarantee facility. It allows European Export Credit Agencies to support European SMEs in exporting goods and services to Ukraine. This is possible thanks to InvestEU guarantee under SME window. GROW is proud to have delivered on a commitment from the 2023 SME Relief package.


Stay informed and get inspired by the sustainable finance innovations shared by industry experts

Did you miss our Sustainable Finance Days event in Vilnius? You can still catch up on all the key insights and discussions. Watch the video recordings, browse through photos, and review the presentations delivered during the event.


Sustainable Finance for SMEs: Publication of two studies on SMEs and Taxonomy reporting

The Commission has published two studies on SME taxonomy alignment. The first, by Oxford Research, Syntesia, and Trinomics, explores costs and benefits of voluntary taxonomy reporting for SMEs across six environmental objectives of the EU Taxonomy. The second, by Ramboll and the Frankfurt School of Sustainable Finance, examines simplification mechanisms for SMEs to demonstrate taxonomy alignment, focusing on climate change mitigation. These studies aim to support SMEs in the green transition, as outlined in the 2023 SME Relief Package.


Industrial ecosystems

Your one-stop-hub for jobs and upskilling in the tourism ecosystem

Staff shortages are a pressing issue across ecosystems, and the tourism industry is also affected. A striking 92% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in tourism encounter challenges in hiring skilled staff, predominantly due to a shortage of applicants. Despite this, only a quarter of these SMEs have explored hiring talent from other EU countries. The EU is therefore supporting the tourism sector by linking jobseekers with employers across Europe, investing in reskilling and upskilling, and supporting the sector’s shift towards jobs that require green and digital skills and other new competences. Funding programmes further support businesses, training providers and authorities, ensuring a resilient and competitive tourism workforce. 


Advancing Sustainable Textiles: Insights from the EU Stakeholder Event

On 4 June, a hybrid event on the textiles ecosystem gathered industry, NGOs, Member States, and unions. Key topics included sustainable competitiveness, ecodesign, waste, textile labeling, market surveillance, counterfeiting, the Transition Pathway, the European Partnership on Textiles, and the EU Pact for Skills. Stakeholders emphasised concerns over high import levels and new sustainability laws, advocating for robust market surveillance and dedicated EU funding. The event highlighted commitments to the green and digital transition and promoted social aspects like gender wage parity.


The EU chemical industry moves forward to net-zero: progress report unveils major strides in the green and digital transition

The Commission's first annual progress report on the Transition Pathway for the Chemical Industry highlights significant progress towards net-zero and digital transformation. Approximately 80% of the identified measures have been supported, underscoring the sector's commitment to sustainability and resilience. The report includes a revised regulatory roadmap and outlines 187 actions for investment in clean technologies and sustainable chemicals. The Commission plans an ongoing stakeholder dialogue and will launch a support platform by 2025, providing resources and collaboration opportunities. Stakeholders can contribute by submitting their transition initiatives via an online form.


Calls, reports, studies, surveys...

Call for proposals for the new Enterprise Europe Network is now open!

This call for proposals ensures the continuous functioning of the Enterprise Europe Network from 1 July 2025 until 31 December 2028 by selecting the consortia that will make up the Network. The new Network will play a crucial role in helping European SMEs grow and become more competitive, while at the same time increasing sustainability, resilience and digitalisation levels among SMEs. The Commission aims at receiving proposals from established business support organisations with proven experience in providing business support services to SMEs, such as, for example, chambers of commerce, craft or industry, innovation agencies, regional development agencies, trade promotion agencies, universities, research and/or technology transfer organisations and other organisations with relevant experience.  

Deadline 19/09/2024

Consultation Survey - Code of conduct project on online reviews and ratings for tourism accommodation

GROW launched an initiative to develop a Code of Conduct to enhance transparency in online reviews for the tourism accommodation sector. This project involves collaboration with tourism stakeholders to create principles and commitments beneficial for travelers and businesses alike. If you wish to contribute to this effort, you can participate in the survey (open until 25 July 2024) to share your input in co-designing the code of conduct.


Upcoming events

Save the date: 24 September - Public Procurement Data Space Day 2024 - The Grand Opening

On 24 September, the Commission is hosting a full-day in-person event to celebrate the launch of the Public Procurement Data Space (PPDS). This platform, providing access to previously scattered public procurement data at the EU, national, and regional levels, will be officially announced and celebrated. Policymakers, companies, service providers, academia, journalists, and more will be offered a demo of the new PPDS platform. Following the demo, discussions will highlight PPDS’s benefits for users, future directions, and reasons for countries to join.

date 24/09/2024 - 24/09/2024
Registration Register here

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