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Special edition - 30th anniversary of the Single Market – January 2023

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DG GROW Newsletter Single Market 30th Anniversary Special edition

We are happy to share with you a special edition of our monthly newsletter specially dedicated to the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Single Market.

The Anniversary is an excellent opportunity to take stock of all that has been built over the last 30 years, as well as to reflect and identify the challenges ahead.

The first section of this special edition is dedicated to the communications campaign around the anniversary and presents some of the tools that DG GROW has put in place to support your Single Market related events and initiatives, in particular, the newly created website. A second section looks at the future of the Single Market and the challenges it faces. Finally, the last section presents the latest figures and analysis on the Single Market.

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SM30 Anniversary
The European Single Market turns 30 in 2023

The Single Market is one of the major achievements of European integration, and one of its key drivers. Established on 1 January 1993, the European Single Market allows goods, services, people and capital to move around the EU freely, making life easier for people and opening up new opportunities for businesses.

Quote "The Single Market is much more than just a legal framework – or indeed a market. We need to continuously preserve, improve and re-invent this formidable asset. First, by ensuring that the rules we have agreed collectively are also applied collectively. Second, by putting SMEs at the centre of Europe's competitiveness. Third, by ensuring that people and businesses have access to the goods and services they need, when they need them. The Single Market gave the European Union a continental scale and therefore the capacity to project itself onto the global stage. Today, in its 30th anniversary, the Single Market gives me confidence and determination to face the challenges ahead." Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market - 02/01/2023
Join the Campaign: DG GROW can support you in organising local events and initiatives

DG GROW has planned a year-long communication and outreach campaign on the Single Market, which will be open to all local events or initiatives organised by authorities and other stakeholders across the EU. In this context, we have set up a dedicated website with an interactive map where we have started listing relevant events organised in the Member States at the local and national level. We encourage you to share with us any of your relevant events. The site also offers useful materials for your events, such as the SM30 visual identity and the style guide of the campaign, promotional material such as posters, roll-ups, social media and a lot more.

Single Market Upcoming events

To mark the 30th anniversary of the Single Market, you’re invited to join us at one of the events, talks and exhibitions organised by the Commission and many different stakeholders that will take place throughout 2023 across the EU. Register your own local event and come back to our site from time to time as initiatives will gradually appear throughout the year!

In 1993, Jacques Delor's vision became a reality: "I want Europeans to be able to touch, in their daily lives, a real, concrete Europe"

The Single Market has brought unity and opportunities to Europeans, eliminating old barriers to allow more than 460 million people and business to move, communicate and trade freely across 31 countries. The European Parliament continues to work to adapt the Single Market further to respond to current challenges and make full use of its potential.

The Single Market can help us reduce our energy dependency on third countries, including by boosting renewables

Euronews in partnership with DG GROW, interviewed our Director-General, Kerstin Jorna, on the subject, and reported on Skoon Energy, a young startup that has set up a network of swappable batteries, with the aim of getting rid of battery waste.

European Parliament plenary session - Opening statement by Margrethe Vestager

On 16 January 2023, Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Europe fit for the Digital Age, and Commissioner for Competition, attended the plenary session of the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg, on the 30th Anniversary of the Single Market.

Quiz: how much do you know about the EU's Single Market?

The EU's Single Market allows goods, services, capital and people to move freely across EU countries. How much do you know about it? Test yourself with the quiz

Single Market: looking ahead
MEPs call for a specific action plan for 2030 and beyond, in order to further strengthen and develop the Single Market, especially in areas such as services, energy, telecommunications and the Digital Single Market

The European Parliament adopted on Wednesday 18 January a resolution on the 30th anniversary of the EU Single Market. The text outlines the most pressing challenges facing the Single Market today and recommendations for the way forward.

The Single Market: A Referee for Fair Competition and a Coach for Economic Growth

In this opinion piece, Commissioner Thierry Breton delineates how the Single Market will help us build our industrial future by ensuring a level playing field among all 27 EU Member States even in times of crisis. The Single Market is and will remain our joint source of growth, job creation and exports.

Commissioner Thierry Breton looks back at the Single Market's main achievements and what comes next

DG GROW and the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU kicked off the Single Market 30th Anniversary celebrations with a political conference, which focused on the vision for the next 30 years, as well as the opportunities and risks for further integration. Read here Commissioner Thierry Breton's full keynote speech.

The European Parliament continues to work on improving how the Single Market functions and adapts to new challenges

MEPs believe the Single Market has to be adapted further to respond to current challenges. During the plenary session in mid-January the European Parliament looked at how the Single Market has transformed Europe since its launch in 1993 and what else should be done to make full use of its potential.

Energy security: How the Single Market supports Europe’s race for a solar renaissance

In this episode of Business Planet, find out how Europe intends to shake off its dependence on Russian gas by ramping up renewables, specifically solar, and the challenges it faces. Solar is seen as crucial to Europe's energy security, climate goals, and jobs. Europe installed a record-breaking 41.4 gigawatts of photovoltaic power in 2022 -- a rise of 47% compared to 2021-- according to industry group SolarPower Europe.

Economic analysis, facts and figures
Economic paper - 30 years of Single Market – taking stock and looking ahead

This paper provides an analytical contribution on the state of the Single Market 30 years after its establishment and the role of the Single Market as driver of EU resilience. It assesses developments in goods and services integration.

Economic paper - The 'completeness' of the EU Single Market in comparison to the United States

How can we judge Europe’s progress towards completing the Single Market? How should we estimate prospective gains from further steps? This paper argues that new insights on these questions can be generated by comparing Europe’s Single Market governance, economic flows, and some related political attitudes to the same conditions in the United States.

The Single Market in numbers

The Single Market is one of the European Union’s greatest achievements and has progressed significantly over the last 30 years. The Single Market is now home to 24 million companies and 15% of the world's trade in goods is from the EU. This factsheet brings together this and more interesting figures.

document SM 30_EC_Factsheet  (579 KB)
EUROSTAT - Did you know that 47.5% of EU exports of goods to non-EU countries in 2020 were in euro?

The past three decades have allowed people, goods, services, and money to move around freely within the EU’s Single Market. Between 2010 and 2021, the number of employed persons in EU countries with a citizenship of another EU country increased by 47%. Eurostat gathered interesting facts and figures about the EU Single Market.


This newsletter is published and managed by the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission.

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