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European Commission European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials
EIP News flash
The EIP's call for application to renew the membership
The EIP received more than 60 applications from private organisations for the High-Level Steering Group and more than 150 for the Operational Groups.

DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs is currently finalising the evaluation of the applications, aiming at composing a balanced group with representatives from Member States, business, civil society and the research community.

All applicants will be informed about the results in May-June. The results will also be published on the EIP's website Member's page.

Raw Materials Week 2017: 6-10 November
The second edition of the Raw Materials Week will be organised from 6 to 10 November.

It will include the EIP's Annual Conference, the Horizon 2020 Brokerage event and many satellite events organised by Horizon 2020 projects.

The first edition of the Raw Materials Week counted around 15 workshops, conferences and events and was attended by more than 1000 people. All the presentations from the EIP's Conference have now been published on the EIP's events web page.

Call for applications for "Support to Circular Economy Financing Expert Group"
The European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) has launched a call for applications to set up a new expert group on the circular economy.

The group's task will be to provide recommendations regarding concrete measures to facilitate circular economy project financing.

The group will consist of representatives of the Commission, the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the European Environment Agency (EEA) and National Promotional Banks together with key circular economy stakeholders (civil society, research institutes, private institutional investors etc).

The deadline for applications is Friday 28 April.

ERA-MIN 2 publishes joint call for collaborative transnational R&I projects
The scope of the 2017 Joint Call is needs-driven research addressing all aspects of the non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials life cycle covering both primary and secondary resources.

The deadline for sending in pre-proposals is 5 May 2017.

More information

This is the newsletter of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials. It is hosted by the Directorate-General (DG) for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs .

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