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More than 10.000 people died by cancer in 2022 in Ireland

There were more than 10.000 deaths by cancer in 2022 in Ireland, according to the estimates of cancer incidence and mortality recently published in the European Cancer Information System, managed by the JRC. For both women and men, the most common cancer causes of death were trachea, bronchus and lung cancers (about 20% for both categories).

EC JRC 2023

date:  22/02/2024

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New cancer cases rose by 2.3 % compared to 2020, to reach 2.74 million in 2022 in the European Union. Similarly, cancer deaths went up by 2.4 % compared to 2020, according to the European Commission’s estimates contained in ECIS.   The 2022 estimates for EU Member States show that 31% of men and 25% of women are expected to be diagnosed with cancer before reaching the age of 75 years.  14% of men and 9% of women are estimated to die from cancer before reaching 75 years. The four most common cancer causes of death in the EU are estimated to be lung (19.5% of all cancer deaths), followed by colorectal (12.3%), breast (7.5%), and pancreatic cancer (7.4%).