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Over 85 year olds increasing in Ireland

The population of over 85 years of age in Ireland is expected to be of around 267 000 persons in 2050, almost three times more than in 2020, when they were 80 594, according to the Eurostat projections as illustrated in the JRC Atlas of Demography, which contains data and statistics on fertility, mortality and migration in the EU Member States.

EC JRC 2022

date:  03/03/2023

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Depopulation and ageing are two intertwined factors affecting the future of Europe and particularly its rural areas where 30% of the total EU population live. But not all places in the EU are ageing equally. Depopulation is a phenomenon that very much depends on the geographical context.

The Atlas of Demography is published by the Commission Knowledge Centre for Migration and Demography. It is an online reference tool guiding policy makers, practitioners and the general public through the complexities of demographic change. Freely accessible online, the Atlas provides a quick access to a comprehensive body of demographic data and knowledge presented at the finest level of geographical detail - down to the level of a single municipality.