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Ireland is a leading country in the EU for Digital Entrepreneurship

For the first time, in 2020 Ireland joins the group of leading countries in Europe in terms of digitally enhanced general and systemic framework conditions for entrepreneurship, according to the Index of Digital Entrepreneurship Systems developed by the JRC. Ireland performs well on the general framework conditions of doing business, as well as for the component related to human capital and knowledge creation and dissemination. Networking and support to digital entrepreneurship in Ireland is also well above the EU average.

date:  10/08/2020

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For market conditions, large countries tend to exhibit higher scores because of their larger domestic markets, but countries like Ireland, Denmark and Sweden stand out in spite of their smaller size. The other leading EU countries are Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

The EIDES index describes the context within which the country’s entrepreneurial dynamic is embedded and which regulates the quality of this dynamic, i.e. its ability to allocate human, knowledge, financial and physical capital to productive uses. It was developed by the JRC in 2018 in response to the pervasive trend of digitalisation, which has been transforming the start-up dynamic over the past decade.