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JRC’s data on raw materials in Ireland

The Country Report on Ireland of the JRC Raw Materials Information System (RMIS) is one of the supporting documents of the JRC’s latest research on the “Supply chain analysis and material demand forecast in strategic technologies and sectors in the EU”.

EC JRC 2023

date:  08/08/2023

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See alsoRMIS Country Report Ireland

The newly-revamped RMIS provides knowledge on raw materials, both primary (extracted/harvested) as well as secondary (from recycling, for example). It provides information for all EU Member States on specific materials, as well as for different sectors and technologies. These data support the EU Critical Raw Material act, recently presented by the European Commission.

In order for the European Union to achieve the ambitious targets it has set for the energy and digital transitions and its defence and space agenda, it needs undisrupted access to critical raw materials and to many products which contain them. Europe can take action now to avoid being dependent on individual countries.

The latest JRC research includes analyses for both supply as well as current and future demand. Demand for materials that drive the green and digital transitions is expected to increase significantly. It presents a systematic analysis of the complete value chains, from raw and processed materials to components, assemblies and systems, for 15 key technologies across five strategic sectors: renewable energy, electro mobility, industrial, digital, and aerospace/defence.