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Ireland’s income on par with EU average a decade after financial crisis

Ireland was one of the countries hardest hit during the ‘Great Recession’ of the late 2000s, but its overall income levels are still at or above the EU-average. This is one of the main findings of a recent JRC study on the differences in income levels within and across European countries over the past ten years.

date:  29/04/2020

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This chart takes a sample of people older than 15 in Ireland and sorts them into five groups according to their household income after tax. The height of the bars shows the level of income of each group as a percentage of the EU average for that group. In both 2007 and 2017, lower earners (group 1) have a larger advantage relative to their EU-peers than higher earners. While the relative position of all income groups worsened compared to pre-crisis times, all remain close to or above the EU average.


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