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Continuous rain delays crop sowing activities in Ireland

Last winter’s temperatures were slightly warmer than usual in Ireland. However, the most remarkable feature for the period was the persistent rain, with only a few interruptions. Rainfall was particularly abundant in February - the second wettest February recorded during the JRC MARS Bulletin’s 40-year history.

date:  29/04/2020

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In fields that had already experienced difficulties due to overly wet conditions around sowing winter cereals established poorly, with empty patches. In some areas, replanting will be needed. Despite this unfavorable start of the season good yields are still possible if conditions improve in the coming weeks.

The JRC’s monitoring of agriculture using remote sensing (MARS) started in 1988 and supports the EU Common Agricultural Policy by providing a wide series of services. MARS activities include agricultural monitoring, crop yield forecasting, global food security, agricultural biodiversity, rural development, climate change and earth observation.