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Statistical literacy newsletter

July 2024

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In Focus

Sustainable Development Goals: where are we now?

Check out the 2024 brochure Sustainable development in the European Union and learn more about the EU's progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Do you want to find out how your country fares? With the interactive visualisation SDGs and me you can compare European countries with regards to living and working conditions, education, climate change, and many more aspects.

Screenshot of visualisation

What's new from Eurostat

Key Figures on Europe: 2024 edition out now

If you are looking for basic information on Europe, this is the publication for you! With intuitive visualisations and concise text, it provides insight into the current situation and recent developments across the European countries. Dig into selected statistics focusing on people and society, economy and business, and environment and natural resources. The French and German versions will be available soon, stay tuned!

Screenshot of the publication's cover

Check your facts with our country tool

Our ‘Country facts’ tool features statistical indicators on society, economy, and environment. You can choose up to 5 countries and compare them. Once you have customised your factsheet, you can download it as PDF! You can use it in presentations, for your homework or just as a small test to quiz students, friends or colleagues.

Screenshot of visualisation tool called Country facts

European Statistics Competition 2023-2024: and the winners are...

The winning teams from the national competitions took part in the European Statistics Competition final. The challenge? Make a two-minute video on the topic 'Everything was better before! Truth or not?' ⁠A jury of European experts chose the top 5 videos in both age groups 14-16 and 16-18. Watch the video to find out if students from your country are among the winners! ⁠

Competition's winners video

News from our network

New statistical webservice for French teachers

This new webservice, developed by the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) and the French Ministry of Education, helps teachers find the most suitable teaching materials created by INSEE. Teachers can pick up a subject, such as economy or social sciences, choose a school grade and a curricular theme, and the webservice will select relevant tools and resources.

Image of the video on salary

Discover how to choose the right chart with Slovenian Statistical Office

Data can be clearly presented in charts. But is any type of chart suitable for all kinds of data? Of course not. This short video will give you some basic tips so you can choose the most suitable chart. You can check out additional videos in Slovenian to learn more about statistical concepts such as averages, mistakes in charts, probability and percentage.

Image from video on charts

Reading corner

Jonathan Elliott recommends

Jonathan Elliott, host of Eurostat's podcast series Stats in a Wrap, recommends some essential readings on statistical literacy:

- David Spiegelhalter: The Art of Statistics: How to learn from data

- Sander Van Der Linden: Foolproof: Why we fall for misinformation and how to build immunity

Picture of Jonathan Elliott

Eurostat's Education corner

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ISSN: 2812-0981