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The report "Skills in the Renewable Energy sector" is now available!

ETIP SNET, together with other ETIPs, collaborated to the production of this report by the association of European renewable Energy Research Centers (EUREC).

date:  21/05/2024

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The report "Skills in the Renewable Energy Sector – Visions from the European Technology and Innovation Platforms" highlights the need for a skilled workforce to support Europe's transition to carbon neutrality by 2050. It addresses the growth of renewable energy sources, the associated challenges, and the importance of re-skilling workers to meet industry demands, identifying necessary skills and policy measures to bridge workforce gaps.

Each section features input from other ETIPs: ETIP BatteriesETIP BioenergyETIP HydropowerETIP PVRHC ETIPETIP GeothermalETIP SNET, and ETIP Wind

Find out more in the EUREC website.