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Highlights from ETIP SNET' presence at Enlit

Key take aways from Enlit: among the many valuable contributions, there are those of several WG's members such as Natalie Samovich (Co-Chair of WG1 - Reliable, economic and efficient energy system), Elena Boskov Kovacs (Chair of WG4 - Digitalisation of the electricity system and customer participation), Santiago Gallego Amores (Chair of WG1 - Reliable, economic and efficient energy system) and Luis Cunha, Co-Chair of ETIP SNET.

people reunited in a room

date:  08/12/2023

ETIP SNET at Enlit

During this pivotal industry event, several ETIP SNET members played key roles as moderators and speakers in lively sessions within the EU Project Zone (EUPZ) and beyond.

Many valuable contributions from ETIP SNET members have been highlighted such as Luis Cunha, Co-Chair of ETIP SNET, as one of the speakers at the Enlit Summit in the session on SET plan: Digitalisation and the Green Deal.

Read the news here to find out more about the topics discussed.