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SET Conference 2023

The Chair of ETIP SNET took part to the panel 'Future integrated and resilient energy system' together with other industry and European Commission experts.

people gathered in a room

date:  07/12/2023

The SET Conference, launched in 2008, fosters the discussion around the SET plan and the common goal of accelerating the development of low-carbon technologies through the cooperation among Member States, industry, research and other stakeholders.
This year's theme, "Energy Research and Innovation for a Competitive Europe," highlighted the need to reinforce research and innovation landscape. This reinforcement is crucial to ultimately overcome the energy crisis and tackle the global climate challenge.
Norela Constantinescu, Chair of ETIP SNET and Head of Innovation Section with ENTSO-E, took part to a panel discussion ‘Future integrated and resilient energy system' together with other industry and European Commission experts (Paula Pinho - DG ENERGY, Layla Sawyer - currENT and Dirk Van Hertem - KU Leuven).
Read the whole news here to find out what the panel discussion was about.

You can read here the outcomes of the conference.