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News from BeFlexible

Europe's push for carbon neutrality by 2050 is driving increased renewable energy production, requiring a flexible energy system and coordination between transmission and distribution operators for optimal resource utilization.

a process towards flexumers
BeFlexible project

date:  06/12/2023

Giorgia Lattanzio and Marco Rossi, fromĀ Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico (RSE S.p.A), discuss the surge in renewable energy production driven by the goal of a carbon-neutral Europe by 2050. With renewables' inherent volatility, the energy system is adapting by increasing flexibility through coordinated production and consumption. Distribution units are pivotal in managing congestion, leading to new roles for Distribution System Operators (DSOs) as buyers of flexibility and facilitators for Transmission System Operators (TSOs). Coordination between TSOs and DSOs becomes essential to efficiently utilize shared flexible resources.

Read the whole article here!